Pain (4 weeks after) after Root Canal?!

Question: Pain (4 weeks after) after Root Canal.?
I had a root canal done about 4 weeks ago, after the root canal I did not have any problems (very minor pain/feeling every now and then)..
3 weeks after my Root canal I went to my DDS for Crown and regular procedure and he decided to do a filling in the molar next to the root canal tooth.. He (said) did not touch the RC molar during that time..
Its been a week since the filling was done I have been having acute pain (once a day for an hour or so) in the RC tooth region, while in pain when I put a little pressure on my teeth NOTHING happens, the pain remains constant.. Pain eventually goes away after I take advil..

What could be causing this pain.? I am really scared that the DDS may have fractured my RC tooth (read online), but I really home thats not the case..

The pain has not increased but its the same every time its back..

P..S.. Today it didnt hurt at all and I thought that everything may been fixed by itself but it was back in afternoon, my teeth become very sensitive when it aches..Health Question & Answer

Best to get an x-ray done to see the real cause of the pain, sometimes the nerves show that pain can appear to come from one tooth but actually is the tooth next door.. Only an x-ray will reveal if there is any cavity or absyss going on.. With the root canal, the nerve is already completely dead, if there is an absyss, then it is below the rc and the area around the rc such as the bone will feel some discomfort..Health Question & Answer

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