What can I do about teeth sensitivity without using Ambesol or Sensitive Teeth Toothpaste?!

Question: What can I do about teeth sensitivity without using Ambesol or Sensitive Teeth Toothpaste.?
In January, I had a sinus infection that affected my teeth.. I have had problems with sensitivity ever since, although it is much less than it was.. I have a dental appointment later this month (new dentist), but in the meantime, several of my teeth are bothering me both for heat and cold.. I'm fairly confident one tooth has a cracked filling.. I can't use either Ambesol or Sensitive Teeth toothpaste as it causes inflammation of my gums.. Anything else I can do.? Most of the time it is fine, but today has been especially annoying for 2 teeth.. I do not believe that I have an absess or anything like that..Health Question & Answer

floss every day and use ACT fluoride rinse........ other than that, there isn't much you can do...... i use Colgate total (the sensitivity one), and after i brush i spit, do NOT rinse (it will rinse the ingredients that reduce sensitivity)..Health Question & Answer

Well, if you're having cold AND heat sensitivity, I know that heat sensitivity = root canal.. You may have some decay in or under your cracked filling...... Your dentist should be able to treat your teeth for the sensitivity, just be sure to ask when you go to your appointment (which I'm sure you already planned to, duh!) Ha ha...... Until then though, if sensitive teeth toothpaste is irritating your gums, there isn't much more you can do.. Avoid eating hot or cold things...... Hard to do in the summertime, I know, but it's necessary.. My roommate had the same problem and I felt bad eating icecream in front of him.. Just avoid them until you see your dentist.. Drink room temp water or soda with no ice etc...... Keep your teeth clean, use a soft toothbrush, and get some fluoride rinse.. That should help......Health Question & Answer

Crest makes a very good toothpaste for sensitive teeth called "Crest Sensitivity " .. I use it every day and it is very gentle on my teeth and gums..Health Question & Answer

baking sodaHealth Question & Answer

The natural way:

For two weeks, eat a head of romaine lettuce everyday and avoid all sugar and sweeteners..
One head of romaine lettuce per day is a minimum.. Feel free to have more.. You can have it mixed in with a vegetable salad with a healthy dressing, as freshly pressed juice, or straight up, just as a rabbit would eat it.. If you have dental or jaw problems that prevent you from chewing thoroughly, juicing or blending romaine lettuce will allow you to extract the nutrients necessary to nourish you and your teeth..
Avoiding sugar and sweeteners means staying away from fruit juices, soda, sugary cereals, raw and heated honey, maple syrup, molasses, corn syrup, dried fruits like raisins and dates, sauces and snacks that are loaded with sugar, and large quantities of super sweet fruits like sweet grapes.. Good whole fruit choices are apples and blueberries..
After two weeks of eating lots of romaine lettuce and avoiding sugar and sweeteners, try sucking air in through gritted teeth again.. If your teeth feel noticeably stronger, why not turn this two-week experiment into a way of life.? If you can eat lots of romaine lettuce and avoid sugar most of the time, you

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