I HATE sore mouth!!~ How can you get rid of them???!

Question: I HATE sore mouth!!~ How can you get rid of them.?.?.?
How do u get rid of them besides gargling hot water with salt..
I have 2! one is on the top left and two is on the bottom left!~ GOSSHH I CAN BARELY OPEN MY MOUTH OR TALK!!~
Their so big and they hurt!~ I didnt even go to the dentist or something.......... T_T Anyways......any tips of how to get rid of them.?.?.? PLZ HELP ME!~Health Question & Answer

just take a perfectly balanced nutritious diet..
Once these are there, please do Betadine gargles for 2-3 times and also apply Oral analgesic antiseptic gel/drops over these areas............you can apply it as many as times as you can during the next 2-3 days during which time they are likely to heal.. And yes , after application of these drops just wait for 2-3 minutes and then spit out before taking meals.. But, plz be away from spicy food-stuffs..................just a bland, chillie-free diet will definitely aid in healing..

Only this much is within your control as far as the sore mouth is concerned................rest, you are bound to leave it to Mother Nature and let it heal naturally.. Plz, dont take any Antibiotics......these are not required.. If you feel the need, just take a pain-killer once in a while if this hurts too much..

good luck--- get well soon !!Health Question & Answer

Sheena, the best thing I've found, is over the counter.. Walmart sells it for about $14..50, I think......per ounce, it's more expensive than........well............somethin' else...... but I vote for Abreva on this one.. Best Ive found so far......better than anything even script wise.. For about $14..50......you get a tube that is like 1 inch long.. It's a blue tube......and it works.. That's the only thing I need to know......lol.. Abreva......about $14..50.. Good Luck Sugar, I know they hurt, even when ya just have one of em.......... And, oh by the way, ...... I'm honored to have you on my list, or to be on yours........Health Question & Answer

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