Slightly transparent teeth?? Quick! Nervous! Lots o points!?!

Question: Slightly transparent teeth.?.? Quick! Nervous! Lots o points!.?
I'm 15 and I have to go the dentist's today.. My mom said my front teeth look transparent(I checked them myself, they look that way on the tops/ this is the bottom jaw only) and she says they are rotting and nothing can be done.. And she keeps mentioning pulling my teeth out and putting posts in my jaw.. Tell me it isn't true! My teeth are a bit yellow too, I brush when I can but I guess that isn't enough.. I mostly drink coffee and hot tea, almost never soda.. And braces.? I have 1 or 2 teeth that are slightly off and I'm hoping a simple retainer can be enough.?

What can save my mouth.? Is it truly decaying.?Health Question & Answer

Coffee stains.. It's enamel wear.. Not rotting.. You need to start drinking through a straw.. Get your Dentists advice, your mom is just scaring you..

Your Dentist may be able to offer you advice on how to build up your enamel.. I don't think pulling your teeth out is a good option.. If it's that noticeable and a concern, your best option are veneers.. Lumineers are put right over your teeth..

Braces will fix them being crooked, or Invisalign..

Otherwise, use Pronamel.. My fiancee uses it.. He thinks it works well..

Get a sonic toothbrush.. You need to brush at least 2 times per day.. I have veneers and I spent so much money on them I take every action possible to keep them in perfect shape..Health Question & Answer

Well don't just rely on your mother's could be rotting, but it could also still be saved.. I agree with the first answerer, you may need more calcium in your diet.. However, consult a healthcare specialist first.. I also have semi-transparent teeth, and it's true that it's generally less healthy than teeth that are solid.. I've had gingivitis but ever since I was religious in visiting my dentist, brushing my teeth after eating and getting more calclium in my diet, I now have a very healthy set of teeth..Health Question & Answer

i think that means your enamel is wearing away........kinda sucks you should watch the sweets.. and prolly like buddy said drink more milk and use enamel strengthenersHealth Question & Answer

You're not getting enough calcium.. Milk........ yeah stuff like that will help..Health Question & Answer

Transparent teeth usually mean weak enamal which is caused a lot by caffine.. You need to brush your teeth if possible after every meal.. If that's not possible then you really need to brush your teeth when you get up and when you go to bed for a minimum of 2 minutes both times.. Make sure you are using a good tooth paste, like crest pro health or colgate total.. I personally used mentadent, a more expensive kind of tooth paste but it works really well and is availible at walmart..

for your slightly off teeth, that will be for your orthodontist to decide..

good luck!Health Question & Answer

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