Wisdom teeth at 15?! im scareddd!!?!

Question: Wisdom teeth at 15.?! im scareddd!!.?
my chriopractor took an xray of my neck && you could see my teeth and he said one of my wisdom teeth is comin in and its wayy too close to the tooth its next to && i have braces so im not tryin to let my teeth get messed up! but it hasnt came thru and im readin that it has to get cut out......im sooooooo scaredd!!!! please share your expericences and any tips you have!!! it is very very much apreciated..

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THANK YOU !Health Question & Answer

i just had my wisdom teeth pulled out 2 weeks ago.. Durind the operation you wont feel any pain at all.. affterwrd your face will either swell or not.. you may also experience some bruising.. After the surgery you need to ICE IT!!! the pain will be terrible, im warning you now.. ice for a few days to numb it.. for food, you need to eat soft food for a couple of days before you an get back to normal food.. i suggest popsicles, ice cream because it is coold.. you may experience pain in the ears and sinus but it is normal.. after the pain is gone you need to put hot compresses to stimulate your muscles.. the pain should only last for 4-7 days..
Good Luck :)Health Question & Answer

A tip for you would be to take dental advise from your dentist not your chiropractor.. Your dentist will handle the situation if there even is one, tell your chiropractor to stick to what he knows.. Oh and if you do have to get them pulled, don't ask other people if it hurts or not because it is different for every person.. Some people think it is excruciating and others say it doesn't hurt at all.. So many people have to get their wisdom teeth pulled it's just something that needs to be done, don't stress you will be fine..Health Question & Answer

eventually you'll have to get them pulled.. so the sooner the better.. esp when you have braces that cost a lot you dont want to mess those teeth up any further.. what i would do is i would go see a dentist.. their the person with the right idea.. but if they haven't started coming out of the gum they'l have to dig it out.. but of course you'll be asleep for the whole thing and you dentist is any good he'll give you something to help with the pain, the good stuff!, and something to even help you sleep.. it takes about two days to start to feel better but i promise it'll help in the long run..Health Question & Answer

#1 a chiropractor told you this, not a dentist
#2 everyone's wisdom teeth come in and most do have them impacted like you describe, every has lived with getting them extracted and some even had braces
#3 they are not coming in, or you'd feel them.. impacted wisdom teeth are painful
#4 talk to your dentist about your teeth and let your chiropractor do what he does......Health Question & Answer

check it...... they hurt more in than they do coming out...... i had all 4 of mine out at 17 all at once they numbed me up pretty well then gave me some pain medication then i was on my way.. trust me don't mess up your entire mouth just because your scared of having your wisdom teeth taken out......there's a reason you don't remember teething...... because it hurt so bad
so just let them cut them out they can knock you out or numb youHealth Question & Answer

I had mine out when I was a teenager.. You need to suck it up and have it done.. If you do not have it done as a teenager you will have worse problems as an adult.. My dad had it done when he was in his forties and he had a ton of problems.. I had problems, but in the long run I am glad I had it done.. The longer the you wait to have your wisdom teeth out the long the roots will get.. The longer the roots the harder it is to get your wisdom teeth taken out..Health Question & Answer

Well the longer you leave them in, the more they are going to crowd your other teeth..

Plus if they are impacted (growing in sideways), the longer you leave them, the worse the extraction is going to be for you.. I waited a long time to get mine out and it sucked for about 4-5 days after..

The procedure itself is fine.. No pain.. It will just be 1 crappy day........then your fine.. They put in alot of freezing.. I mean, they'd half to when the dentist is going in there with a pair of pliers to smash your teeth outta your head ;)Health Question & Answer

well i don't really have any tips because there's nothing u could do to stop your wisdom teeth from coming in.. i think you should go to your dentist and there probably going to have to take them out but you'll be knocked out when they're doing the surgery so you really have nothing to be scared about.. nervous is normal but you don't have to be scaredHealth Question & Answer

My older siblings have all had their wisdom teeth removed because they were coming in weird.. But dont be worried my bothers and sisters were all around your age like 15-17 when they got theirs out.. They all said that is wasnt that bad and that they are so glad that they did it.. the earlier you get them out the better.. but seriously dont be affraid.. sooo many people have to get wisdom teeth out.. well i hope this helped and i hope everything goes well for you.. good luckHealth Question & Answer

i hav braces.. i hav a wisdom tooth.. im still fine..

some people say that they hav to pull out your wisdom tooth and it hurts a lot.?.?.? thats the only part that scares me but its not gona be that bad.. my teacher had her wisdom tooth pulled out then she says that its feels kinda good after cuz all the pain goes away..Health Question & Answer

I really don't think you should worry about it.. Your dentist has probably seen this a lot and knows exactly what to do..
My cousin had to have his cut out and I won't lie, it's pretty painful but that doesn't last long.. But he had something else too so it made his pain worse..Health Question & Answer

its nothing they numb ur mouth and if u have a realyy good dentist its done in like 2 minutes i had all4 takin out at once and it didnt even hurt the guy alks in says"hello" does his stuff boda bing boda boom im in my room recovering

when ur recovering DO NOT EAT POPCORN just eat soup and liqiud foodHealth Question & Answer

Your Ready for your Wisdom Teeth I got them at your age you may be growing alot more in some places ..WHEN YOUR GETTING THEM AND THEY HURT SO BAD YOU CAN'T EAT YOU NEED TO GO TO A DENTIST!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Miley in HollyWoodHealth Question & Answer

If your teeth are too close together, getting it removed would be best.. Its a simple proceedure with discomfort.. You get to eat pudding and ice cream for a few days..Health Question & Answer

me to im soooooooooooo very bery scaredHealth Question & Answer

theres nothing wrong with gettin wisdom teeth trust me!!dont be scared!! xxHealth Question & Answer

Wisdom teeth are something that most people have to have taken out at some point.. Since you have braces, there is a time frame of when to take them out and not mess up your other teeth.. Most dentists want them closer to the surface so they don't have to cut as far down to get them out.. However, if you wait too long, the extracted teeth will leave a gap/hole in your gum line and may cause your other teeth to shift around to fill in the gap.. That is not something orthodontist want to see happen.. My son just was to see his orthodontist last week and they took a panoramic ex ray of his teeth and figured he should have them out within a years time.. He is 15 years old.. Oral surgeons will put you to sleep and take out your wisdom teeth.. Yes, you will be sore for a couple days or more, but no more uncomfortable than when you had braces put on.. You will be given an antibiotic for infection and also pain meds or Tylenol.. Use an ice bag, don't drink from a straw, no meat or anything that will get stuck in the stitches, lots of soft foods like jello, broth, applesauce, scrambled eggs, yogurt, ice cream, etc.. Your stitches will be self dissolving so unless you have trouble, you shouldn't have to go back.. There really isn't anything to be scared about.. You will be just find.. Good luck to you and your great smile..Health Question & Answer

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