What's it like getting your wisdom teeth pulled?!

Question: What's it like getting your wisdom teeth pulled.?
My mom wants me to get my wisdom teeth pulled this summer but I'm scared.. How long does it hurt after the surgery.? Can you eat normal food right after.? Any advice.?Health Question & Answer

I had my lower ones out 2 years ago, and I'll be 100% honest with you: It doesn't hurt..

The procedure itself is simple.. I asked the guy (he normally wasn't going to) to put some anesthetic paste on me before poking me with any needles...... He was reluctant, since it probably wasted his precious time, but he did, and I am grateful.. After that, he poked me with a needle - just felt like someone was poking me with a finger.. Keep in mind that I'm normally scared to death of needles, but it was fiiiiiine =)

Now, when the guy started removing teeth...... I really didn't feel a thing in my mouth.. When he applied pressure, it only felt like someone was pushing down on my jaw, but I felt no pain at all.. I recommend bringing an mp3 player or something you can listen to, because the noises can get a little annoying.. (I had mine pumped to max volume - don't do THAT, because it's bad for your ears.. 50% at most, I'd say.?)

The procedure was faster than I expected, and, I was reallllly relieved.. My painkillers did a good job, and the only annoying thing would be the careful eating I had to do: Having to eat soup all the time, not being able to chew really, and keeping food away from the wounded areas..]

But the most important thing would be to keep your mouth clean - rinse your mouth 3+ times daily with salty water, because that inhibits bacterial growth.. I had an infection, and that in itself would have been worse than going through 100 wisdom tooth extractions.. :/ Don't get lazy with the salt water and you'll be fine.. =)

I probably have to get my top ones removed sometime in the future, but I'm not scared at all.. (Blood tests, on the other hand......)

Hope this helps.. Don't worry, it will be fine!Health Question & Answer

I was scared too when I found out that I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled.. My mom told me that you are under but still awake, which scared me even more, but I don't know what she was talking about cuz thats not true.. You first go in to get X-rays of your teeth and your doctor will tell you what is going to happen and answer your questions.. But when you finally go in for the surgery to get it done, TRUST ME IT DOES NOT HURT! First off, where comfy clothes, I wore P..J..'s cuz there is no one their to impress :)They will give you laughing gas, which is A LOT OF FUN, and then an I..V.. which to me was the worse part but still didn't hurt then within about 5 minutes, if that, your out! Then you are getting woken up by the nurse which seems like its only been 1 minute or so since you were knocked out.. But I can't stress enough saying: make sure that you bring TWO ice packs for afterwards and apply them to your cheeks ASAP! Keep ice on it for at least the first day, I think I kept ice on it for about 3 days though, and you will have to keep switching out the gaze until the gauze has no more traces of blood on it.. After you don't have to have the gauze your tongue will keep running over the stitches, which is fine, just don't touch them w/dirty hands! And yes the end pieces will fall out and you will probably swollen them, it sounds gross but you don't notice.. You can pretty much eat the usual, but w/hard foods take SMALL bites and chew SLOWLY.. And of course just keep on taking the medications! Other than that you should be fine!

I hope this helps if you need anything else just e-mail me! ; )

-KatieHealth Question & Answer

Hi - I just had one wisdom tooth pulled along with the 2nd molar in front of it a couple of weeks ago.. I made it through my teen years, twenties, etc.. until now (in early 50's) without having them pulled but off and on they did give me problems.. This time though it was decided that it was time for it to come out to prevent further problems.. I was comfortable with the oral surgeon and his staff from the beginning so had no problems with the general anesthesia and when I woke up I felt great even with the gob of sterile gauze in my mouth and a feeling of slight soreness in that area..
You can't eat crunchy (nuts, popcorn, etc..) because those might get lodged in the socket areas.. You'll probably be advised to stick to foods like creamed soups (not too hot),
puddings, yogurt, milkshakes, etc.. for the first day.. Since I was able to eat on the opposite side this wasn't much of a problem - as soon as I got home I had a bowl of ramen noodles.. You will be given an instruction sheet or booklet with instructions about what/when you can eat, bleeding from the gums, changing gauze, not to drink through a straw for 2 weeks, swelling, pain, nausea, brushing and rinsing your mouth, antibiotics, and more.. All of your questions will be answered from that or directly when you talk to the oral surgeon before the procedure..
About the pain - at first it wasn't bad at all and I was taking just my daily pain medication (i have muscular dystrophy) which seemed okay but suddenly I think the 2nd day after I woke up with about double the pain.. So I immediately called in the pain prescription that the oral surgeon gave me and I'm glad I did.. For about 5 days after that I had to take a pain pill almost every 4 hours.. So make sure you and your Mom get the pain medication prescription filled the same day of the operation if possible so you'll have it right when you need it.. Just make sure you follow the instructions given to you and do whatever you need to in order to heal quickly.. What helped the most for me was the warm salt water rinses, pain medication, and eating when and what I could to keep my strength up.. Stay away from granola bars for at least a couple of weeks..
No need to be scared, you'll be fine..Health Question & Answer

It depends on what kind of meds you get.. you can be put to sleep.. It hurts after, but they will give you meds for the pain.. You can not suck through a straw for a week and you can not eat hot foods for a couple days.. After that you will slowly eat normal, but don't eat sharp foods like chips or pizza crust.. Get it done now while you are young.. As you get older the teeth will become more painfull.. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

1- Its not ur mom who should decide but ur dentist
2- During extraction it dosnt hurt, u will be under anesthesia
3- After surgery, it depends how easy or difficult was the extraction, but simple extraction is just few hours discomfort, surgical may last for 2-3 days
4- U cant eat on the extraction side for 3-5 days but u can use the other side
good luckHealth Question & Answer

As long has you have nitrous oxide, the actual surgery is not unpleasant.. The gas helps to take the edge off and relax you..

Recovery times vary.. The first day you'll probably want to go home and lie down to rest.. After that, you should be able to eat pretty normally.. You may have some pain for a few days - it's not that bad and your oral surgeon will prescribe pain meds that will help..

You'll be fine! I'm a big wuss and I did ok!Health Question & Answer

I had mty bottom wisdom teeth out when I was a teen and you for sure want to do it during the summer.. I looked like a giant chipmunk with cheeks full of goodies.. It was hard to eat but it seems to heal pretty quickly.. Just follow your dentists advice.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I'll let u know for sure after I have it Tuesday.. You can't eat any solid foods the same day and you can't drink thru a straw, either.. Some people are able to get up and be active that day and others might feel drowsy......it all depends on your body.. Don't worry though, you should be fine..Health Question & Answer

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