Tooth shaving 10 POINTS BEST ANSWER?!

Question: Tooth shaving 10 POINTS BEST ANSWER.?
My teeth are preety much perfect accept for this one tooth.. my dentist said she could shave it down a bit to make it fit..

What does she have to do to shave it.?.?
will it hurt .?
are there needles involvd (i'm a bit afraid of 'em!! lol)


Good job on having perfect teeth =)

I had to get one of my tooth shaved (sanded) down once and its no sweat.. I too thought I was going to have to get a shot or something.. But all they use is a metal spinner substance that spins very fast and it just shaves the tooth down to where it matches the other teeth......

haha you asked if it hurt.? I was giggling while they did no it doesn't hurt at all!

no needles WOOT WOOT!

you'll be done in 10 min's and trust me it will only feel like 5 min....

I hope I provided enough to get the points =)Health Question & Answer

When the dentist says they're going to sand your teeth down, all they are using is a professional sander for dentistry.. It's just smaller than the ones you may see at Home Depot etc.... but they are more cosmetic in nature and don't look cumbersome..

You don't even need an anaesthetic for teeth sanding (no local anaesthetic either), but if it makes you feel better the dentist may offer you NO2 (nitrous oxide) to calm your nerves a little.. It's painless and doesn't take long to do either (15 to 20 mins) and that's it.. It doesn't hurt because they aren't going to your nerve endings in your tooth, it's surface sanding...... and that's all..

You'll be just fine...... no sweat!!!Health Question & Answer

if you've had a filling then that's what they use they just gently shave your teeth AND IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS! I'm terrified of the noise but it doesn't really hurt just tiny little type pains that come every once in a while but that's me ! =) some people say it doesn't hurt its the noise that i dint like because of when i was little i was to young to be awake while i was getting a filling so they used a clown nose but it didn't work so I'm a little traumatized ! =0 in fact i still have to finish getting my front teeth shaped plus get them buffed with the same tool when i get my braces of on July 30 2008 ! they've tried to shape my teeth like 5 tImes but i always start crying ! im only 12 but its not the feeling its the noise ! like my sister it doesn't phase her at all getting fillings but oil have to be put to sleep ! =>
so your answer is it does not hurt they just use a little tool that they use when you get fillings but trust me this does not hurt like how a filling does and if your still afraid try to bring a mp3 or ipod like i did it helped out alot ! =)

BEST OF LUCK ! =) =>
HAPPY SUMMER !Health Question & Answer

no it will not hurt..
really all they do is take this little tool....
its almost like a nail file.. and the just rub around the tooth
and the make it shorter..
and it makes this kinnda ZzZZZZz noise..
youll be fine , it doesnt hurt at all i promise=]

and nope there is no needle involved at all..
ha oh i know im afraid of needles too !Health Question & Answer

no..there are no needles involved at all..they just use this tool that is sort of like a sander to scrape it down to size..i dont like that though because when they use it it smells really really bad trust me..other thann that it is not bad at wont feel a thing..Health Question & Answer

don't worry about it, the shaving cream is flavored lol not.. It will feel like having your teeth polished, no pain involved..Health Question & Answer

i've had it done on a couple of my teeth and it doesn't hurt at all, and there are no needles..

i'd give you more details for $10, not 10 pointsHealth Question & Answer

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