Braces??please help.?!

Question: Braces.?.?please help...?
what's the whole process of getting braces..what are spacers..and does everyone get spacers..Health Question & Answer

First, you get spacers.. they are small circular bands that will spread out your molars in the back.. almost everybody that gets bracees needs spacers, not everyone, most.. then you will get the actuall braces and it will hurt for the first 2 days maybe 3 it will just be really sore.. you will just want to eat like mashed potatoes, soup, ice cream(the best part), and just soft things.. DONT EAT CANDY for the first like......week.. it hurts so bad.. im getting my braces off next month so ive been through it all.. I hope this helped : ) good luck..Health Question & Answer

Spacers are like tiny blue (depending) rubber bands that go inbetween your teeth.. They hurt a little bit but not much and they move your teeth so that (later) the braces will fit.. The only bad thing about them is no gum, caramel, or anything sticky.. Otheriwise it could pull them out.. Not everyone gets spacers because some people have enough space..

Next you should get braces (depending on your treatment plan).. Braces are very easy to put on and rarely hurt.. There is a type of cement (I will warn you, it tastes yucky) that they put on to put on the crowns (around the molars) and the brackets.. Then they slip the wire in and put on your choice of color rubber bands.. It's a 30min procedure..Health Question & Answer

Spacers and small circular rubber bands that they put into your teeth[ it looks like they are flossing when they put them on you].. You only get spacers if you're teeth are overlapping or iff there is not enough room to fit a band around the tooth[this is usually only in the back molers..]

First they stick this thing in you mounth that holds your cheeks out so that they can put them on.. Then they clean your teeth really good and then they put the brackets on first, which are the square metal things that you see] Then they take the wire and snap it into the brackets..
My personal advice: You're braces will hurt for the first few days[ not horribly] so take the motrin or advil or whatever before they start to hurt when you first get them on to stay on top of it..

Hope this helped.... best answer.? =)Health Question & Answer

i have recently gotten braces and i didn't have to get spacers.. i guess it depends on how bad your teeth are because i have a friend who got spacers.. so if you DONT have to get spacers then the prcoess goes like this:

they get the mold for your teeth (doesn't hurt, just tastes like crap)
and after a couple weeks (more or less) its time to get your braces (harmless)

they put cement stuff on your teeth and put the brackets on.. then comes the wire which goes through the brackets.. then the rubber bands that keep the wire in place..

so all in all, when i got my braces put on it took about 20 minutes and the worse part about it was the cement or whatever tasted pretty bad and my lips got chapped from my mouth being open.. the process doesn't hurt one bit nowadays.. but after you get them on, your teeth will be tight and numb and it'll hurt to eat cause your teeth are moving.. but i'll go away in less then a week probably..

don't worry about it, cause getting the metal in your mouth doesn't hurt AT ALL!

i hope i helped:)Health Question & Answer

spacers are little things they put between your teeth to make space..

i got those..
then an expander..
then my bottom braces..
then some of the top ones..
then the expander came out and they put the rest of the top ones on and now im just waiting too see how long i will have them!
(i have had my braces for a year) expander stays in for about 4 months and it really doesnt hurt.. just pressure when u have to turn the thing..Health Question & Answer

first, you get spacers to make room for the braces.. almost everyone gets them, but not all on the same teeth.. then,, they put the braces on.. you might have different things put on them to help move your teeth in certain ways, like chains or elastics, but as long as you care for your teeth and do wat they say you should get them off on time.. then, the take them off and scrape all the cement off.. ur teeth feel REALLY slimy!!! after a few days, that goes away.. finally, if you where your retainers a few times a week for the next 4-5 yrs, ur teeth will look beautiful forever!!!

i had braces from end of 5th grade to beg of 8th grade.. now i m going into 9th grade and still wear the retainers a lot.. my teeth look great!!! the two years and 5 months I wore braces were worth it!!!Health Question & Answer

Spacers are little rubber bands they stick in between your teeth to space them out.. They will hurt.. But it is bearable.. The best thing to do when you get them (if your getting them, which I assume you are) is to eat soft things until you get used to them.. (It takes about a week)

About the braces, it just depends on what your circumstance is.. It varys from mouth to mouth..Health Question & Answer

yes!! i just got my braces off like 3 weeks ago!
going for a month!
don tbe scared.. my little sister is getting hers.. spacers are tiny rubber bands they put in bettween your wisdom teeth to make a space.. you have them in for 4 days or so them you go back to the doctors agian and get your braces on!
it feels pretty much like your trying to floss with a rubberband....
could you imagine how that feels..
rubberbands are thick....
its funny cause the spacers is what hurts the most after that its all good!! the whole putting on the braces doesnt hurt at all!! good luck

hope this helped!!Health Question & Answer

Everyone gets spacers.. They put it between your teeth, and after a while, you would see a space between your teeth.. You need that space so the orthodontist can put on the braces..Health Question & Answer

yes i got spacers
then lip bumper
then expendar(which i have now) for like 4 monthes
the bottom braces then like 3 monthses later

urggh!Health Question & Answer

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