A3 tooth color?Good or bad?!

Question: A3 tooth color.?Good or bad.?
I've bee searching the net for a color code list and images......none so far.. If anyone could provide one or at least tell me where A3 is placed on the scale......Health Question & Answer

That is a normal shade, not too light, but not really dark..

A3 is one shade on the Vita shade guide..
The standard goes as A1-4, B1-4, C1-4, D2-4
A-yellow w/ red
B- yellow
D-brown w/ grey
1-4 - value/darkness of color, higher the number the darker value

A-3 means slight yellow/red w/ a darker value
Very common, normal shade.. B1 is the lightest standard shade, A1 is close.. Anything lighter than those starts to look unnatural, but that's the trend these days.. PW-2,4,6 are really white..Health Question & Answer

Hello, depending on the tooth manufacturer's shade guide your referring to the A-3 would be in most cases considered 3rd from the whitest that particular brand tooth material comes in..........Regardless of that, the important thing is that the tooth shade match the surrounding teeth.. If however your considering Porcelain Crowns or Veneers over existing front teeth, you need to have the tooth shade you pick blend with the following: Skin, Hair and Eyes......Your body is a blend of complementing shades, in most cases........If you have black hair, brown eyes and deep tan or brown skin, extra white teeth will look extremely "fake"........if on the other hand your a blond with blue eyes and light skin, very white teeth will blend nicely........The reality is that for say, women, extra large breast can actually be unattractive, as can the wrong shade of teeth ........Good luck and I wish you well..Health Question & Answer

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