Is washing your teeth the only solution to get rid of bad breath?!

Question: Is washing your teeth the only solution to get rid of bad breath.?
I do wash my teeth and scrub my tongue, but a few minutes later, people start complaining about my bad breath.. My parents say it's probably because I haven't eaten anything.. I have tried gargling but once again, it's only very temporary.. Aren't there possibly any other solutions to get rid of my bad breath.? Don't simply state those sprays with a mint scent because they seriously don't help..Health Question & Answer

mouthwash with alcohol can worsen your bad breath problem for definitely it can cause dry mouth which can speed up the production of bad bacteria inside the mouth.. choose a mouthwash that has natural ingredients like essential oils..

cut off chewing gums and mints for they contain sugar in which bad bacteria in the mouth can feed on, thus can make your bad breath problem really worse.. if you think they are good in masking bad breath, well you are wronge because they are of no use in eliminating bad bad bacteria in the oral cavity..

try to avoid foods that are garlicky.. sometimes bad breath can come from stomach related illness.. it can also have a lot of causes like poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, sinusitis, medications, bacteria, gum disease and gum infections.. to determine the cause of your bad breath, you may need the help of a dental expert or dentist..

have a good oral hygiene habits after meal, be sure to floss, brush, and scrape your tongue carefully and properly.. keep your mouth hydrated by drinking lots of water.. for more tips to get rid of bad breath visit" rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer

I also had this problem so I looked it up and heres what you do:

*Make sure you are brushing your teeth twice or more a day

*When your brushing your teeth put baking soda on your toothpaste brush your teeth then rinse your mouth and try with just the baking soda then brush your tongue with the baking soda and rinse your mouth with luke warm water [tastes gross but I've been using this one and discovered my bad breath is gone and my teeth are whiter and shinier]

*You can also rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide [tastes gross but make your it's the one for cuts and scrapes not the one for bleaching your hair]

And after trying this lick the back of your hand and let it dry and smell it to see if it is working..

Hope it works :)Health Question & Answer

Whoa, Hi Stinky......Just kidding......look you have gotten some good advice but they didn't quite give you all the possibilities.. First, grungy teeth can indeed create a bad oral odor, but given you make a real effort to keep the inside clean, I suspect that you either have a digestive issue or a sinus problem......If you haven't had a dental check up lately, that is where you start......if that doesn't identify the problem, your next stop is at the office of a ENT (Ear,Nose & Throat" doctor to get your sinuses checked out......If that doesn't reveal the problem then it's off to an Intestional Disorder doctor........The important thing is that the bad odor is a symptom that something abnormal is going on and you need to make sure it's not an overly serious issue........Good luck and I wish you well..Health Question & Answer

Eat, after washing out a bit.. Brush again, mouthwash.. Gum.. If all else fails, treat any untreated allergies that affect the sinuses, always swish after using inhalers, see a doctor to find out if you have a digestive issue, and take care of anything such as cavities, broken teeth..Health Question & Answer

If your not flossing you should definately do that because food gets stuck between your teeth then it rots and makes your breath smell bad.. There are also some new mouthwashes that are geared toward breath freshening.. Chew sugarless gum too.. That helps..Health Question & Answer

also drink a lot of water..

a way to know if you have bad breath is lick the top of your hand, wait till it dries and smell it.. it will smll like your breath, so you'll now..Health Question & Answer

chew gum (Orbit or Trident would be best)
brush your tongue(with the toothbrush)
use mouthwash(Listerine works good)
drink alot of water (water is good
floss (minty flavored)
My dad's a dentist, I should know!!Health Question & Answer" rel="nofollow">

check this website it would help u alotHealth Question & Answer

Dental floss.. You could brush your teeth well, but the bits that is left between the teeth smells bad as well..Health Question & Answer

It could be your gums or you could have an intestinal problem.. See a doctor..Health Question & Answer

chew lots of gum
watch what you eat
drink more water
scrub your tongueHealth Question & Answer

Eat breakfast! its pretty important for getting rid of bad breathHealth Question & Answer

dietHealth Question & Answer

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