Horrible dental crown?!

Question: Horrible dental crown.?
I just got my permanent dental crown on one of my molars and it's way too big and bulky.. It sticks way out on the side near my tongue and doesn't even look normal and it's uncomfortable.. The temporary crown they used was more comfortable than this permanent one.. I've had crowns before and they weren't so bulky.. Can they even make it smaller when a whole bunch needs to be taken off.? I'm wondering if they will make me pay another thousand bucks just to make it smaller and more comfortable.. Has anyone had this same problem.? They also didn't even fit the crown to my gums with the cord like they did with my other crowns..Health Question & Answer

The cord, called retraction cord, isn't always needed.. It depends on the dentist and the needs of the tooth.. That being said, however, if you're not happy with your crown, definately call the dentist back and explain your concerns.. If it doesn't fit right, it doesn't fit right.. Not your fault.. The dentist should not make you pay for another one.. Give him a call and see what you can set up..Health Question & Answer

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