Does anyone have any tips for fixed braces ?!

Question: Does anyone have any tips for fixed braces .?
hi there i am about to get braces on wednesday and i just wondered if anyone had any tips .? :-)Health Question & Answer

First, don't worry about pain because it isn't all that bad and its worth it!

When you get the braces on at first it's painless and an hour or two later you'll have tooth ache so just take pain killers and you'll be fine.. Once you go for the next appointment when they're being tightened again, you'll barely feel any pain as your teeth are used to it, but you might feel pain when you bite your food so if it hurts to much just eat soft foods like soup and mashed potatoes and yoghurt etc..

I recommend getting plain silver bands on your braces, NOT WHITE OR CLEAR!! as they get stained from foods, also don't get yellow or orange as they will make your teeth look yellow, and I just think plain look better..

brush your teeth after every meal !
and FLOSS !
and use mouthwash

If you have any questions email me at PeterMatthews@Live..comHealth Question & Answer

i need braces tooHealth Question & Answer

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