I get my wisdom teeth pulled out July 22nd. What should I expect.?!

Question: I get my wisdom teeth pulled out July 22nd.. What should I expect...?
I know I have asked questions similar to this before, But I want as much info as possible.. July 22nd I get my wisdom teeth pulled out, I'm scared because I have never had surgery nor seen a surgeron before.. What should I expect during the process.? Will I get stitches.? Put To Sleep.? I'm Only 17 and I'm very scared, So some information from personal experience would really help.. THANKS!Health Question & Answer

I got my wisdom teeth pulled out about 5 years ago (I was 19 when I got them taken out).. I'm gonna be honest with you, it's not the most pleasant experience that you will ever have, but it's not nearly as bad as I thought.. Honestly, the only pain you'll really have is when they put you to sleep with a little needle in your forearm ( I don't know your situation or doctor, they might use the funny gas or whatever it's called to put you to sleep).. But you feel absolutely nothing after that because you are totally zonked out! The only nasty part is when you wake up, you have a mouth full of bloody gauze.. I know that is nasty, but it's part of the process.. But please don't be scared, because it's not that bad.. And this is coming from a person who HATES to go to the dentist or get work done on my mouth! You will be in a little bit of pain after you wake up, but take tylenol or something like that to help dull the pain.. You seriously will be good as new after a nice half day-full day of rest and relaxing.. Just make some jello and make sure you have some ice cream for when you are recovering.. Don't worry though! It's not the worst and you will be totally fine and you will feel so much better when they finally remove your wisdom teeth! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember, it'll be fine!Health Question & Answer

It depends on if you are having a dentist do this or an oral surgeon..

I had an oral surgeon, so I was put under with general anesthesia.. I don't remember a thing, other than waking up and being wheeled in a wheelchair to the car, where I promptly fell on my *** while trying to get into the car, lol.. I had to stay extra long because the anesthesia really put me out..

I had stitches, but they are dissovable ones that fall out after time.. I was a bit sore for a few days, but not horrible pain.. I had to eat a liquid diet for 2-3 days, then moved on to soft foods..

I could not use a straw for quite some time for possible dry sockets.. They are blot clots protecting your bone in the your jaw once the teeth are removed.. if you use a straw, you can dislodge them and the pain is horrific because bone is exposed in your mouth..

Feel free to ask your doctor any questions.. He/she will be happy to answer them and help you not feel so scared..Health Question & Answer

You will get several shots that feel like pinches or be put under anesthesia.. The teeth will be pulled and you will not feel it or the stitching.. You will feel pain after the anesthesia wears off, so get your pain medication/prescription immediately.. The meds will help reduce or eliminate the pain.. You will probably start to swell in 1 day and you must eat soft foods like pudding, broth, applesauce.. After 24 hours, you will have to rinse with salt/water..Health Question & Answer

I did not get put to sleep but I had one side done on 1 visit and the other side was done on another visit

1-- side was a breeze, little freezing no traum or swelling
2nd--I had roots wrapped around the jaw bone, took longer and more freezing and swelling from the trauma

take gas for your nerves, do that first, it works!!!

I got dissolving stitches, don't smoke, I hadn't quit then and I got dry pocket......very painful
plus leave the gauze in for the length of time they tell you, I did not and had a lot of bleeding

Once you've started to heal up and the swelling has gone down, it is all good
never thought about till today....30 years later

Don't be scared, they are fantastic with teeth now and mine was 30 yrs ago........No worries!!!!Health Question & Answer

They just give you laughing gas, and put a very thin needle in the area that they need to numb (not to painful) then from there you dont even remember because your all gased up.. Then you just have very red gums where they pulled the teeth, and then the gums go back to normal by atmost a week.. Nothing to worry about, just think how beautiful your teeth will be because of this surgery..Health Question & Answer

Really it was the easiest thing.. I didn't go to sleep.. He numbed it..(He was very nice) He told me I would feel a tug-no pain.. One of them was broken in my gum, but I still didn't feel anything.. He wrote a prescription for infection and pain pills with no refill.. Blood drained out of my mouth every once in a while.. I felt pretty good.. Try not to be scared.. I was scared, and I should have taken them out sooner.. That's why it broke off because it had decayed.. My daughter had tooth surgery when she was 10 because her permanent teeth would not come down and she still had her baby teeth.. You can do it!Health Question & Answer

don't let the people above me freak you out.. if you are seeing a reputable surgeon, you have nothing to worry about..

most oral surgeons give the option of either local anesthetic of IV sedation.. local anesthetic is where you get an injection in your mouth to numb the areas of your wisdom teeth.. it is the same as if you were going to have a filling done.. IV sedation is where you are put to sleep under a light anesthesia given through an IV in your arm.. this is the best way to have your wisdom teeth taken out.. however, it can be expensive.. if your parents don't want to pay for it, or your oral surgeon doesn't offer it, ask the doctor for nitrous oxide.. it is commonly called laughing gas and will make you much more relaxed if you have to be awake..

you will probably get stitches, they will most likely be the kind that dissolves on its own so you won't have to go back to see your doctor.. they might tickle your tongue but won't hurt when they are in..

you will be given a medication to take afterwards for pain management, we advise our patients to take it the first day and then see how they feel without it on the second day.. you will be sore but as long as you follow the instructions your doctor gives you, you shouldn't have extreme pain or any complications.. you'll be fine!Health Question & Answer

Its different for everybody, I had all 4 pulled along with 4 molars.. I didn't swell up or really encounter all the pain some people will attest to.. I did lose weight but that was the result of the diet restrictions while waiting for the gum's to close.. I have known people who did not fare so well though but don't allow anyone to convince you that your going to endure hellish pain.. Today things are done so well that your more likely to skate through it..Health Question & Answer

Awww sweetie its okay........i had mine done last year in november before i had my braces put on this year........

People told me it hurt and stuff............

I was put to sleep......all four were taken out........they may use stitches but on me they didn't......i had a bunch of gauzes......

It was just uncomfortable......not painful......just take it slow with what you eat after and it'll heal fast......it took around a week to realize that i forgot about it........they give a few instructions........follow them..........

Good luck! Its not bad at all :)Health Question & Answer

well i had my wisdom teeth pulled out.. it kinda stings but not so much as it hurts.. and um...... you don't really have a surgery type of thing just normal.. it may seem painful but it ain't all that bad.. you're not gonna get stitches.. and you are not gonna get put to sleep because their is no reason to.. you are worrying about this for nothing it;s just a normal process that a lot of people go through.. it's not as bad as it seems.. well good luck hope i helped!
I REALLY NEED THE POINTS]]]=Health Question & Answer

hi, i have had my wisdoms removed , but it really wasnt that bad,they dont stitch they let the sockets that are left heal over you get like a blod clot form to start the healing process, if they havent broke through your gums yet , then they will cut them out, but again this isnt that bad , you may have bruised cheeks after a day or so, and a little swelling, but you will be suprised how quickly you get back to normal....................you will be fine dont worry ok.?Health Question & Answer

I haven't had my wisdom teeth pulled out but I have had a couple of teeth pulled out.. When they pulled them out they had to inject some stuff into the roof of my mouth so I couldn't feel anything, but that part hurt alot.. Then they just pulled my teeth out and I couldn't feel it at all..Health Question & Answer

I have only had the upper ones removed, and it was a peice of piss, dentist just numbed my gums and pulled them out with her fingers didnt feel a think and it took 2 seconds! had to go back with the second one as it was bleeding, but no pain and it was all fine!!

If your having the bottom ones out that can be more difficult, but try not to worry about it!!Health Question & Answer

Don't be scared, they are going to numb your gums good, you will not feel pain, well, a little afterwards.. But during, none at all, yeah they are going to yank your mouth a little, but that's it.. You don't want a toothache in the future, so get it pulled out, not a big problem..Health Question & Answer

When I had teeth pulled it's not that bad.. They usually put jell on your gums to numb it, and then inject something (can't remember the name of it, but it numbs your mouth totally) into your gum.. Then they just pull it out...... It sounds and feels weird but doesn't hurt at all.. After your mouth will be bleeding a little and it will hurt to brush your teeth but it's not bad :DHealth Question & Answer

you will get given a few injections, not too painful, when its happening breathe in through nose and out through mouth slowly, then he will get the plyers and pull them out, but dont worry, the njecions completley numb your gums so you wont feel a thing, the scariest bit is the injection and it only last like 10 seconds, just remember to breathe! you will be fine xHealth Question & Answer

it depends on what option you chose as anestsia.. I chose NO2 and was concious for the whole thing and could hear the crunching of my teeth while the plyers were pulling on them, also I could feel (not pain) but the tugging of my jaw.. I had a reaction to pain meds so I couldn't take them, overall it kinda sucksHealth Question & Answer

Ok well you should be scared..
everyone expects that hah..

but usually what they do is numb your mouth first so you cant feel anything..
and then they just pull them, and it wont hurt for a couple hours since your have the numbing stuff..
But after it will hurt, i would just take some advil or some kind of painkiller after (:Health Question & Answer

I'm 16 and I got my wisdom teeth pulled on Saturday morning.. They put you to sleep and I don't remember hardly anything from that day.. My jaw has swollen a lot.. I have slight pain in my mouth still but I don't think you should worry.. It was easy..Health Question & Answer

Take your pain pills.. most important, keep ice on your face AT ALL TIMES to avoid bad bruising.. I did that and my bruises lasted 1/2 day.. I had mine taken out on Friday, and on Monday no one noticed anything......The pain was still there, but I looked greatHealth Question & Answer

hope this site helps..
.webmd..com/oral-health/wisdom-tooth-extraction" rel="nofollow">http://www..webmd..com/oral-health/wisdom-......Health Question & Answer

I was put to sleep.. i also had dissolveable stitches.. the worst part was that i got a bruise on both my cheeks, big yellow ones.. good luck!Health Question & Answer

My sis got it.. It hurt so bad that she was crying in her slwwp.. Drink milkshakes or things you cane at without munching.. take lots of pain killer and advil! Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

pain and lots of it..

good luckHealth Question & Answer

you might get laughing gas which makes it hurt a lot less and its fun haha but expect lots of pain anywaysHealth Question & Answer

all i know is prepare to have swelled chipmunk cheeks for awhile after..Health Question & Answer

Death..Health Question & Answer

Well, you'll be eating lots of apple sauce.. :)Health Question & Answer

Pain and JelloHealth Question & Answer

painHealth Question & Answer

hurt, painHealth Question & Answer

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