If someone is on Coumadin and having a dental procedure...................!

Question: If someone is on Coumadin and having a dental procedure................................................
their cardiac surgeon says to keep taking it and the dentist says no before her procedure, whose instructions should they follow.? Thank you..Health Question & Answer

Depends what you are having done.. If it is an extraction, you shouldn't take coumadin prior to it, but I have had cardiologists say that patients cannot go off it (rarely).. This is fine.. However, if you are going to have work done you need to be sure you have your cardiologists # on call in case bleeding doesn't stop after one of these procedures.. If your surgeon will let your go off the coumadin in a few months, then you might want to wait.. also, if you normally take coumadin in the morning, you might skip the morning and take it later that day.. Or, if you take it late just make the latest appointment possible.. Personally, your cardiologist knows your heart, clotting times, etc.. He/she knows best.. Your dentist has no idea about these things, but knows it is NOT recommended to have any work done on coumadin.. However, this is why I say have your cardiologists info on hand to call in case of emergency bleeding, etc.. Tell your dentist the plan.. Tell him/her you understand why he/she says no.. However, he/she may want to send you to a specialist since you can't go off the coumadin..Health Question & Answer

Always follow your cardiologist instructions.. The risks of you throwing a clot are much more devestating, and possible fatal, than profuse bleeding during a dental procedure.. If it is an extraction you are having done, please go to an oral surgeon who can handle such a situation, if need be.. Still scared or worried.? Ask your cardiologist to test your clotting time before having the procedure done.. (all they do is draw some blood and test it clotting time in a test tube)..

Note: Why isn't your dentist directly talking to your cardiologist.?Health Question & Answer

ask a pharmacist, they specialize in just such a situation
Doctors' specialty is physical body, Dentist's specialty is teath, and Pharmacists specialty and focus is the chemicals and their interactions.. She will want to know what the Dentist is using, and she can tell you........Pharmacists often inform Doctors and Dentists, with their detailed focused information on the chemicals......Doctors can often be too busy to get into the details and dentists might not know how essential it is to have coumadin , but only a pharmacist can determine how much and which chemicals will interact........You need to prevent overdose effect, or conflicting interactions of chemicalsHealth Question & Answer

Let me answer this the way my oral surgeon answers this question every day.. " I can fix the bleeding, its you having a blood clot that I cannot fix" You should follow your heart doctors recommendations for sure.. Your dentist should want to abide by his recommendations also..Health Question & Answer

explain to cardiac about the dental procedure.. i had to stop it before surgery as you can bleed to death..Health Question & Answer

ask the doctors why are you asking us none doctorsHealth Question & Answer

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