Wisdom Teeth!?!?!

Question: Wisdom Teeth!.?!.?
I was just informed that I have to have all 4 off my wisdom teeth pulled out at the same time.. And one that I know of is sore.. How does the procedure work.? How long does it take.? Is it painful(like duh......lol).? How is it afterwards.? How long is the healing process.? How long will I be out of work.? Anymore information will be appreciated..

-Thanks!!!!Health Question & Answer

its not advisable to have all four wisdom teeth removed at the same time unless you have them done under general anesthetic as it would be classed as bad practice to numb a patients mouth in all four quadrants at the same time.. The general rule if your having them done under local anesthetic is that upper and lower on one side would be carried out together..
i'm not sure which procedure you have choosen to have done like are you having LA , GA or sedation..
In my experience as a dental nurse you are better off having them done under local anesthetic with sedation..
the procedure it self is not painful the pain with wisdom teeth removal is post operatively although dont worry about this as your dentist or oral surgeon will prescribe medicine to take care of any pain afterwards..
I can not say how long the procedure would take as all teeth are differant it depends on a number of factors.. ie are they impacted ect.. but in general the procedure is actually quite quick..
Afterwards you might need some sutures to close the area where the tooth was removed not always neseccary but in most cases is required.. The suture aids quick healing and helps to keep the open wound free from infection.. The areas will bleed a little afterwards as expected but just roll up some cotton and bite on it to apply pressure to the area and leave it there for 30 mins or so this will help a clot to form.. Take your medication immediatly once the dentist gives it to you the trick is to take your pain killers ahead of the pain for 24hours or so.. Avoid rinsing your mouth for 24 hours just brush your teeth as normal and spit but dont rinse this would encourage bleeding.. Its very important the day after your extraction to rinse as many times as possible with hot salty moutwashes and a couple of times with corsodyl mouthwash this will help aid healing.. Dont be alarmed if you experience any numbness of the area swelling or stiffness in the area post operativly but always let your dentist know if any of these should happen..
Everyone heals differant but in general in 3- 4 days your mouth will be well on the way to recovery if sutures are placed they may remain in there for some time until dissolved..
In general we recommened 3-4 days of work this should be sufficient..
Listen dont be worrying about it you'll look back after its all over and wonder why were you so worried about it its really not as bad as people make it out to be so Good Luck!!!Health Question & Answer

My son is having his out next week.. He is being put to sleep so he won't feel a thing.. The doctor says that he doesn't need to work for several days.. The procedure is Wed.. morning and he can go back to work at least by the following Monday.. You need to make an appointment with an oral surgeon for a consultation visit and they can answer all your questions..Health Question & Answer

i had all four of mine out at the same time.. they knocked me out so i didnt feel a thing.. it doesnt take but 20 minutes from the time they start to the time you finish.. make sure they knock you out because my cousin was awake and she freaked out!! if you dont smoke or drink out of a straw youll heal fast.. but if you suck on things youll get dry socket and that hurts like a son of a *****.. good luckHealth Question & Answer

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