Scared of the dentist?!?!

Question: Scared of the dentist.?!.?
I hate going to the dentist cause i normally always have at least 1 cavity so i always get freezing done and it pinches any suggestions on how to stop the pain of the needle to numb your mouth i somtimes pinch my arm that sorta worksHealth Question & Answer

The pinches that you feel during an injection is more from the pressure of the liquid (anesthetic) going into place than the needle.. You can ask the dentist to rub a topical medicine on the gums to help a bit with that part..

Ask your dentist to inject you a bit more slowly.. This ususally makes alot of difference in how much you feel..

You might also want to try laughing gas.. It won't make the discomfort disappear, but it will help relax you to a point where you don't mind as much..

You are on track with the arm pinching, by the way.. When you counter-irritate yourself, you sort of "short-circut" the pain pathways to your brain.. Some dentists will gently shake your cheek during the freezing, because the slow sensations your brain reads from the shaking block the pathways that feel sharp pains.. So, quick pinches to another part of your body (even the webbing between your first finger and thumb) will help you feel the freezing less..

And finally, there's always valium.. If you are concerned about your appointment, phone up the office and ask the receptionist if the dentist would phone you in some valium to the chemist to take before you ever even step foot in the office.. This way, you are happy and mellow, will snooze during the procedure and wake up later with your work completed..Health Question & Answer

they use topical before you get the injection but next time make sure you take a deep breath with your nose and either look straight up or close your teeth, thats what the dentist i intern for tells all the kids and adults who are scared of needles.. good luck next timeHealth Question & Answer

i dont know what is question here, but i understand you coz im also scare of going to my dentist, actually it's one of my nightmares!!Health Question & Answer

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