What's it like getting your mollers (SP?) removed?!

Question: What's it like getting your mollers (SP.?) removed.?
surgery next week................Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you are probably going to have your wisdom teeth removed.. If you are going to be put to sleep, that will make the surgery pretty easy..

Normally when they remove teeth, they anesthetize the area so you don't feel any pain, but you do feel pressure.. If you are going to be put to sleep however, you will be sedated, sleep, then when you wake up the surgery will be done..

It normally hurts quite a bit afterwards, but you will be given pain medication to help with that..Health Question & Answer

man, are u talkin about molars or wisdom teeth.? (which are also molars, they are third and last molars) who do u see walkin around without molars.? molars are your 8 back teeth (left, right, top, and bottom) of ur mouth, now, u gonna get ur wisdom teeth taken out, or all of your molars, and if you're gonna get all them takin out, my question is WHY.?.?.?.?

So if they wanna remove ur wisdom teeth all the way in the back, and ur teeth are completely buried under the gum, i would like to believe that they are going to give u a seditive, or local anesthesia so that u wont be in pain during surgery, because they have to cut the gum open and yank the teeth out, but after u leave and that Novocaine, or watever they use wear off, u r gonna be in a world of pain, jus lettin u knowHealth Question & Answer

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