If a tooth comes out and some of the root is still in does our body want to reject that half root?!

Question: If a tooth comes out and some of the root is still in does our body want to reject that half root.?
I ripped my loose half broken molar tooth and the side that was already broken for like 8 months was healed up over the root.. Now i can feel a rip in my gum few days after i pulled tooth and today i can literally feel the sharpness sticking out from the root.. I have no wisdom teeth i am told by dentist xray.. wouldnt my gum heal up over the half root.? what could be causing this.?Health Question & Answer

sometimes yes, sometimes no..........but a remaining root tip should be removed as if it works it way out, you could swallow it or worse yet........aspirate it (down into your lungs) and that would be a real emergency!Health Question & Answer

the gums CAN heal up over a broken root, but don't always..

you may have a little piece of bone working it's way to the surface.. sometimes this happens after a tooth comes out (even if the dentist does it)

you can call the dentist and make an appointment to have it removed, or you can just wait and see if it pops out on it's own..

i'd go have it checked out, but you seem to be a spartan, so maybe you are tough enough to wait it out......Health Question & Answer

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