How can I soothe my fears about my corrective jaw surgery?!

Question: How can I soothe my fears about my corrective jaw surgery.?
I am scared to death about a jaw surgery I will be having at Christmas.. It involves the surgeon breaking my jaw, rotating my upper & lower jaws, screwing them back together, and wiring my mouth shut.. I've already had two jaw surgeries, but none have been like this.. With this one, I won't be able to eat solid food for a month, I'm having the surgery in a different state, and it's being done by a surgeon I've only met once..

I also am paranoid about getting my mouth wired shut..

Does anyone have some advice on how I can soothe my fears.?Health Question & Answer

Dont worry.. You have plenty of time before the procedure..
I was scared to death about getting my teeth pulled today but I conquered that fear.. You can conquer yours =) Good luck!

EDIT: I know that someone who works for my Dad broke his jaw and I think he had some sort of surgery for it.. He was fine but had to eat soft foods for a month.. He ate smoothies and stuff.. I think you should be fine, but maybe get an oppinion from a few other doctors before doing the surgery.. I hope all goes well, and that you have a quick recovery.. =))Health Question & Answer

omg! my mom had the same thing done when she was younger!!! she said it was sorta a pain in the but but u get used to it.. she said t really didnt hurt, it was sorta just kinda weird not being able to open your mouth enough to fit a spoon in, just a its not going to hurt, itll just feel strange for a while.. its just an adaption..Health Question & Answer

You may need a second opinion..
After 2 jaw surgeries, why are you requiring a third.?
If the surgery is for TMJ pain, definitely get a second opinion..
Go to for more on this

If the surgery is for orthodontics, what is the goal.. Do you have an extremely severe malocclusion (bite) that cannot be corrected by conventional orthodontics or is this being done because of your profile.. If for profile is your lower jaw so forward or back that you are unattractive.?
Beauty is very subjective.. In Europe where dentistry is very sophisticated, this type of surgery is performed much less frequently..
It has been known for a long time that 2 jaw surgery reduces your ability to move your jaw..
Harper, R..P.., Analysis of temporomandibular joint function after orthognathic surgery using condylar path tracings.. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 1990.. 97(6): p.. 480 - 488..
Do your homework or get a second opinion before going on with this..

If your lower jaw is in front of your upper jaw and your midline is not centered, there are alternatives to surgery.. This type of malocclusion is common with orientals.. A korean technique, that is often used in Japan is called MEAW.. This technique uses regular braces, no surgery, and wires with many bends..
To learn more Google
MEAW, Dr.. Kim or Dr.. Sadao Sato..Health Question & Answer

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