Sore in mouth?!

Question: Sore in mouth.?
Right where my wisdom tooth should have grown in (but apparently is still beneath the gum) there is this ulcer type sore.. It's not really painful or anything.. I am just wondering what it might be and what could have caused it.? Several months ago a friend was saying that he had a sore when a bunch of us would go out and we would all drink out of the same drinks.. Could that have something to do with where it came from.? Could it be cancer from smoking.?Health Question & Answer

It could be a lot of things.. The best advice is to go to your dentist and have it checked.. Google "pericoronitis", and check for 'Images' of this too- it's a very serious condition that occurs in the area of wisdom teeth.. From now on, you should avoid sharing drinks, especially if someone has a sore in their mouth.. also good to know, periodontal disease is VERY transmittable- something you can get from swapping saliva.. Mothers with periodontal disease often transmit the bacteria to their children just by kissing them.. If you are a smoker, your risk for oral cancer is heightened- so I'd have anything out of the ordinary checked by your dentist.. Catching things early is key in treating them effectively.. This also goes for pericoronitis.. It is very serious and can even be fatal if left untreated.. You may need an antibiotic to resolve the infection or just have the wisdom teeth extracted.. Schedule a quick check with your dentist..Health Question & Answer

Hello, what you describe is a text book case of a wisdom tooth beginning to rise up and break through the gum tissue......That is a normal, and yes uncomfortable period of time, but very very normal........NO, you won't infect your boyfriend by playing suck-face......but he could transmit infection to you as the sore area over the emerging wisdom tooth is vulnerable too infection while emerging, and that goes for friend drinking from the same container as well.. You can reduce the pain if you will purchase the OTC product "Ora-Jel" and use as instructed by the label.. Good luck and I wish you well..Health Question & Answer

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