Why are my retainers tight??!

Question: Why are my retainers tight.?.?
I have been weraing my retainers 24/7 for about a year now and 2 weeks ago, my orthodontist told me to wear them only at night.. But after about 4 or 5 hours of having them out, if i put my retainers back in, they are pretty tight.. I dont want to wear them during the day, but i wear them most the day because i dont like them to be tight.. Should i be able to go all day without wearing them.?

Im 16 and my wisdom teeth are starting to grow in but they havent gone through the gums yet.. Could my wisdom teeth be an issue.? Thanks for answering!........if you do answerHealth Question & Answer

It's totally normal, I am on nights too but if I miss them for a day for some reason, they get really tight and it really sucks.. They adjust after a couple nights.. But if you want to soothe into wait 5 hours one day and then move it to 6 or 7, and so on, you don't really have to worying about the tightness, your teeth just aren't used to not have the retainer around them so they move slightly..Health Question & Answer

It could be wisdom teeth..

But I had the same problem when my ortho.. said I only had to wear my retainers at night.. I think it wore off after a few days if I remember correctly..

But maybe it's time to get your wisdom teeth out since you haven't already.. The younger you get them out the easier it is to heal etc..


best wishes!Health Question & Answer

Your wisdom teeth could be causing an issue, I would talk about that at your next appointment.. But retainers are supposed to be tight so they keep your teeth where they're supposed to be..Health Question & Answer

most retainers need to be tight to be doing the right thing to your teeth..
but, because your teeth had been so used to you wearing your retainer all the time for almost a year, they are just not used to wearing it only at night.. wait a few days, maybe a week and your retainer may not feel as tight..
also, if you believe your wisdom teeth are causing a problem, i would get them checked out by your ortho.. they may need to be removed if your mouth is too small, as most mouths are..
and i must say, you are pretty good at wearing your retainers.. im very lazy when it comes to wearing mine.. good luck, hope your teeth look good when you are all done!Health Question & Answer

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