Will my braces hurt???!

Question: Will my braces hurt.?.?.?
i need help...... so i am getting braces day after tomorrow and i need advice so i have never had braces before and i am scared how much does it hurt and how long does it take to get used to them I am sooo nervous.......... should i be scared.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

well, i'm 14 and getting my braces off in a little under a week, i had them on for nearly 2 years, the day after i got them on, i went to a pool party, i had to eat the cheese off the pizza and 2 huge bowls of ice cream (not that i'm complaining) but it took me 3 days to adjust, it can take about 1 week MAX though, in the mean time, you should only eat soft foods such as:
ice cream
cream of wheat cereal

do NOT give eat any hard food for a bit until it no longer hurts, also, you can use pain killers, i didn't use any as it didn't hurt that much, now, the food getting stuck in the braces, that can be a pain, i figured out a way of getting it out on my own (without use of fingers) but they sell these little brushes about an inch long that look a bit like christmas trees, the orthhodontist should gove you some, but they sell them in most grocery/drug stores

also, brushing teeth is VERY important with braces on, bruch above and below the brackets and wire and tell them to get the bristles through the wire to get off any plaque, also, flossing is good, it is hard with braces and very tedious though, thread the floss up or down benind the wire and in front of the tooth and then you can floss between those two teeth, remove floss, repeat in another place, you should also get some mouth wash, it makes geetting food/plaque off/out easier though should not replace brushing/flossing, use it in the morning and night (before they go to bed) the best is some of the mouth wash meant to be used over night, the ones that prevent plaque from forming, it makes it less to scrub off/ floss/ get out of behind the wire in the morning, not to mention, plaque is just plain bad to begin with

no, you should not be scared, good luck!!!!

hope i've helped!

EDIT: oh, i forgot one thing, you will probably get some cuts on the inside of their mouth for the first week or so, they have special wax to put on the braces, if the orthodontist didn't give you any, it is also sold in most grocery/drug stores, you will have to take some off, roll it between your fingers to make it soft, then just press it to the braces, it has to be taken off before eating and brushing teeth, oh, it may also taste gross, but either ypu will get used to it, deal with the cuts, or go out and buy flavored wax (i had mint flavored)Health Question & Answer

Don't worry girl! I got braces (top AND bottom!) and they hurt when i touched them and when i tried to eat..
They hurt for around 3-5 days.. Or less, if you're lucky..
You should definetly not be scared, they're not that bad.. RIght now i seriulsy don't even know i have them..
I got used to them in about 1 week, same with my brother..
My friends always tell me they don't even remember i have braces..

Worse case scenario:
- You will have to eat softer foods (yogurt, smoothies, bananas, etc..)
- Avoid hard foods the first couple weeks while your teeth are moving around
- Your mouth might stick out a bit more because or the braces

Now, I have braces but I still chew gum and do anything else I did when I had no braces..
Don't worry girl!
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Don't worry...... they don't hurt for too long.. Just, don't otuch your face too much, and eat STRAIGHT after you get them on as they hurt least then.. Don't try to eat hard food for ATLEAST 3 days...... make sure you have lots of soft foods (eg mashed potato, yoghurt and juices) to fill you up! also, you can buy dental wax which helps to protect your mouth from oulcers and rubbing-- its a BIG HELP!!!!

If they hurt-- just think on the big beautiful smile you will have after!

You could also try a panadol, or pain killer for the first day and that will dull the pain too!
When you get them tightened or a new wire, then it may be a bit tender or hurt for a few days, but after that its all normal!Health Question & Answer

yeah everyone is lying when they say they dont..
like its not terriblee....and when you get it on its no big deal realyy;besides this one xray where they put all this gunk in the top and bottom of your mouthh-try not 2 gag..
but like other then that, you wont be able to eat for a few days to a week....it took me a week! i got my braces a little over a month ago and i just got them tightened today.. so no that its not that big of a deal....just sore after..
take motion.. eat milkshakes/mashed potatos and stuff and you will be okayy.. i just cant wait to have them off && have a oh so gorgeous smile;)Health Question & Answer

heyaahh.... i got braces a bout a munths ago!sorry if udn tmeeen train tracks but however if you do......:D.... well i got them on and they were fine.... onli i found ithard 2 eat hard things....as i felt the train tracks would almost come of...... the pain lasted almost a week.... and kindah cut my upper lip.... but now i dnt even feel them!
i found that by putting wax ( which should be provided by the dentist) eases the pain as it is soft against the gum! eat soft foods.... as hard foods are dont worry at alllll youll be fine :D and by soon ur teeth will be perfect my teeth have changedd so much in a munth!:D ( AND im soo osrry if ument like a retainer r sumthing.... bt thats about traintracks!) lolxxxxHealth Question & Answer

First let me suggest u take a deep breath.... then lemme tell u they WON'T hurt.. They will feel weird cause u obviously have never had them before but don't worry they will just feel weird.... not painful at all....:)Health Question & Answer

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