I have gingivitus and i don't know how to get rid of it?!

Question: I have gingivitus and i don't know how to get rid of it.?
I was wondering if you could list some kind of toothpaste or mouthwash that might get rid of it.?Health Question & Answer

i thankyou for your tasteless answer you gave me with one of my questions now ill answer one of yours ........

i have gingivitus too its funny i didnt think to do anything about it till this week .. i got one of those toothbrushes that are made to brush youre gumline( the brand that sells them is calles G..U..M) it realllly hurt when first brushing them and my gums started to bleed i brush 2 times a day floss 2x a day amd mouthwash 2x a day its been about 4 days and my gums do seem to be getting better and it doesnt hurt as much when i brush them any more..Health Question & Answer

As a dental hygienist, I would recommend brushing at the gumline (with any toothpaste) even if it bleeds or is tender, 2 times a day! Floss is another biggie, but only needs to be done 1 time a day!
A mouth rinse that you can use is listerine or crest pro health rinse.. Both help reduce gingivitis..
All gingivitis is, is inflammation of the gingiva (anything ending in -itis means it has inflammation).. And the gums get inflammed from not removing the plaque around them on a regular basis.. You must not have been brushing well at the gumline "OR" you weren't brushing enough (hence; twice a day)..
Takes about 2 or 3 weeks for it to go away..

If your gums bleed when you brush, then thats a sign that you need to brush them better on a regular basis, as bleeding gums is a tell tale sign of gingivitis.. Imagine if your hands and fingers bled every time you washed them.. You'd rush straight to the hospital! Same thing! Its not normal for them to bleed when cleaned.. So many people think its normal........
Good luck! :)

The ADA (americandental assoc..) recommends you brush twice a day and floss once a day.. Any more than that is great but not required to rid the inflammation.. :)Health Question & Answer

Gingivitis has a horrible stigma and it sounds so bad.. Truth.? Most people have some form of.. And it can be easily taken care of...... if it doesn't turn into periodontal disease.. Periodontal disease is a gum disease and it is when the bone around your teeth starts to diminish causing the teeth to become mobile and frail.. Gingivitis is the pre-courser to perio.. All I have to say is FLOSS FLOSS FLOSS.. it is so cliche, but that is the key.. Brush 2-3 times a day and well.. Get those bristles up under the gum and make sure to really brush well (not hard, that causes erosion of the enamel.. Use a soft bristle brush) and for two mins.. And no matter what, floss at least twice a day.. Does it hurt or bleed when you floss.? That is due to the fact that you have gingivitis.. Keep flossing even if it's bleeding.. Trust me, years ago I had it and it hurt bad and bled when I flossed.. But I kept on doing it no matter what and within 2 weeks my gum's stopped bleeding and hurting as much.. You know you no longer have gingivitis when the gum's look tight and pink (not puffy and red) and don't bleed when flossing.. I urge you to do this.. It's the only way..Health Question & Answer

gingivitis can be reversed if you go to the dentist asap the dentist will give you a deep cleaning which is removing plaque the culprit in gum disease and clean under the gum line also he will prescribe a mouth rinse peridex and tell you to use colgate total the only fda approved in controlling and preventing gingivitis and floss twice daily you dont want this to turn into periodontitis which is the main cause of tooth loss and gum recession good luckHealth Question & Answer

im not aware you can get rid of it.. i am sure it is possible, but people that i have known that have it, have it for sometime.. go to your dentist and see what they can do.. i dont think there is anything over the counter you can buy..Health Question & Answer

use crest tooth paste with tarter control/whitener, use Listerine mint mouth wash, 3 times a day, 7 days a week, it worked for me..Health Question & Answer

see a dentist or brush your teethHealth Question & Answer

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