Cavity Question?!

Question: Cavity Question.?
I went to the dentist today and learned a had a very small cavity in one of my back teeth (the one all the way in the back).. I had never felt it before or been bothered by it and the docters said it was a relatively new.. I never have had a cavity before and I'm scheduled to get it filled in 2 weeks.. Will it hurt.? Will I not be able eat certain foods.? Will it be there permenently.?

P..S.. No one in my family has ever had a cavity and I'm 14 years old if that helps.. I have lost all my baby teeth and have had 4 adult teeth removed for my braces.. I don't wear braces anymoreHealth Question & Answer

Its not going to hurt too bad; but there will be slight pain while they are filling the Cavity..

its really not that bad; you can eat anything you want but you will be seriously numb, and i would just sleep off the numbness so when you wake up its not there..

Cavities are pretty minor thing, and theres nothing to be worried about, and once filled the cavity will be filled permanently theres a really small chance the filling could come out but that's not even a problem..

Good luck with that! and don't worry hahaHealth Question & Answer

I worked as a dental assistant for a few years.. If the cavity is small like you said, it should be no big deal to fill it.. It shouldn't take long either.. If you don't take care of it now, it will get bigger and deeper and could affect the nerve.. Then u may need a root canal or have to end up extracting (pulling) it.. It's good that it was found now.. It will be easy to fix, won't get worse, and shouldn't hurt a bit.. :)Health Question & Answer

the only thing that kinda hurts is the numb shot after that you should feel nothing!! the shot is only 5 seconds and only mildly painful.. easy procedure ...... scale from 1-10 ........2Health Question & Answer

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