I have a couple questions about my teeth...?!

Question: I have a couple questions about my teeth.......?
1..) Im 14 years old and I still have a couple baby teeth left.. None of them will get loose.. How long will I have my baby teeth for.?

2..) My dentist pulled out a baby molar like 1 or 2 years ago because it had a really bad cavity in it and my adult tooth still hadnt came in yet.. Why.?

3..) If my dentist pulls out anymore baby teeth then how long will it be for the adult tooth to be there.?

Thanks..Health Question & Answer

answer 1) I'm not sure, I still had a baby tooth @ the age of 15 that was pushed out of the way by my adult teeth and ended up just above my adult teeth on the roof of my teeth, both the baby and adult tooth had to be removed..

answer 2) It probably will come in soon, molars take time.. I had one pulled when I was six and didn't get the adult tooth until I was almost 12..

answer 3) it depends, really..Health Question & Answer

Here is a site with a chart of all the ages of where we would expect to see the primary and permanent teeth coming in:

.clevelandclinic..org/services/dental_care/hic_Teeth_Eruption_Timetable..aspx" rel="nofollow">http://my..clevelandclinic..org/services/d......

Now, bear in mind that this is just an estimate.. It is perfectly normal to vary from this chart, sometimes by a year or two.. The baby teeth usually fall out as the permanent teeth are growing in--It's the force of them pushing against the roots of the baby teeth that cause the roots to resorb and the teeth to fall out.. If a baby tooth is pulled, then the permanent tooth has a clear path into the mouth and should start to slowly come in right away..

Your dentist probably has x-rays that show where all your permanent teeth are that aren't in your mouth yet.. If a tooth is really late to come in, he will check that it 1) There, 2) In the right place and 3) Not blocked by anything and able to grow in.. If everything looks okay, then maybe they're just slow!Health Question & Answer

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