Why do you have to have your wisdom teeth removed ?!

Question: Why do you have to have your wisdom teeth removed .?
mine are coming through and I was just wondering why they have to be removed, maybe mine don't, as I haven't seen the dentist yet

I have braces and I'm afraid it's going to be some troubleHealth Question & Answer

if your mouth isnt big enough, they they usually dont come in straight and will push your other teeth.. and being that you're paying for braces, then thats counter productive.. i had to get mine removed when i was in my early 20s.. i had braces when i was about 12-13 and even back then they had to widen my jaw.. just the short amount of time that my wisdom teeth were coming in they misaligned my bottom teeth a little.. its annoying..
you'll have to see your dentist to know for sure if you'll need to get them removedHealth Question & Answer

becuz theres not enuf room.. eventually they will probly get compacted (and there will be an infection maybe ,maybe not and u will have to get them removed.. i started getting mine in all the way when i was 23.. sometimes they hurt but then they stopped hurting for awhile and then it would start again and then nothing for a really long time.. i didn't get my wisdom teeth taken out until i was 28 and i had a really bad infection on one side.. some people never get theirs out until they are about 50..Health Question & Answer

They typically have to be removed because most people's mouths are not big enough to make room for them.. If they stayed in and were allowed to fully erupt they would push all your other teeth forward and cause a lot of crowding and crookedness..Health Question & Answer

Cause they can shift your teeth, but no you don't have to have them removed if you don't want to and they come up the right way..Health Question & Answer

If you have room for them in your mouth there is no reason to get them removed.. A lot of people keep theirs their whole life, don't sweat it unless they give you problems..Health Question & Answer

If you currently have braces it shouldnt be a problem.... unless the orthodontists says that you wouldnt be able to fit them.... plus many people have issues with them being impacted and very painful..Health Question & Answer

Not all people have to get them removed.. My mom still has her wisdom teeth, and she's in her forties.. Her teeth are absolutely fine..Health Question & Answer

You don't if they are not a problem..
I'm 82 and I have one left and it is fine..Health Question & Answer

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