Is there a Dentist in the house?!

Question: Is there a Dentist in the house.?
Ok, I have a pretty big hole in my teeth in the back at the top; I can actually feel the hole.. I know it's a cavity because part of my tooth was coming out with cavity on it.. It's been giving me the blues all night.. It feels a whole better now, I don't want a root canal; I actually want it out my mouth period.. In total, I have pretty teeth, but it's just this one that's giving me problems.. I've been rinsing my mouth out with warm salt water, I've used Abseol, Orajel, and Ice Pack, and I took a few pain relivers because my blood pressure was up and I developed a high fever last night.. My whole side of my face was very hot and I thought I was going to die last night.. It got so bad, I wanted to take some pilers and pull it out, but I did what I could do to ease the pain.. What will happen to this tooth.? Will I get a root canal or what.?Health Question & Answer

I wouldn't wait to find a dentist on Monday.. If you are not an established patient with a dentist, they probably won't see you on the spur of the moment.. You need to go to an emergency room or urgent care clinic TODAY..
What you are describing is an infection........the fever, especially.. A dentist can't extract a tooth if there is severe infection present.. He/she will only put you on antibiotics until it is cleared up enough to take the tooth out.. If you wait to see a dentist next week, the infection may have spread to the blood or the bone.. As one user already said, that is highly dangerous! I have seen people lose half their jaw due to bone infection (osteomyelitis) is no joke..
If you get somewhere today, they can start you on antibiotics and you will be able to have the tooth worked on when you get to the dentist..
Toothaches/infection always seem to get worse at please don't wait to see if it gets probably will..

Best of luck to you..Health Question & Answer

i think it is to far gone, do you have a bump on the gum.? if so that is an absess and it needs to go, either way have it taken out, if you get a root canal which cost around 800..00 then you have to later on have a crown put on top of the tooth and that is another 800..00.. also you dentist might give you something for infection and pain meds

dental assistHealth Question & Answer

i am not dentist.. but if the tooth is abscessed(infected) they will not pull it out for about a week.. during that week you will be on antibiotics.. once pulled you'll get a stich or two which will stay in for about a week or so.. i am with you on the root canal gig.. 6 month check-ups go a long way..Health Question & Answer

Unless you desire a whopping nasty infection out of the rotten tooth I'd be in a dentist's office in a heartbeat.. The last thing you want is a bone infection which will be what you have if you continue to self medicate and not get the thing taken care of..Health Question & Answer


i hate dentists they are life ruiners.. they work in conjunction with certain life ruining orthodontists to take money from people and ruin their lives by disfiguring faces..Health Question & Answer

You should see a dentistHealth Question & Answer

no dentists here!Health Question & Answer

Yes most likely a root canal.. I had a couple and believe me, it is such a pelasure to get rid of the pain..

What is happening is that your nerve is exposed.. That is why it hurts from time to time and it is highly likely that it will get infected from time to time even when taking so much precautions.. When infected , it will get hot and it will hurt because it swells..

Not taking care of an issue like that can be very bad as the damage will not only be in your tooth but it will work its way to the jaw bone and ultimately, it will release bacteria into your blood stream which may cause a heart attack..

If the tooth structure is good, they just pulg it up.. If not, they may decide to do a crown.. Warning!! Do not do any bridges! Bridges screw your other healthy teeth as they file them down to put the bridge.. So always go for a crown if you have a choice.. If it is real bad, they will extract the tooth..

I learned this all from my wonderful dentist! He is "da bomb!!!".. I got my dentist from that 1-800-Dentist phone.. Best thing I ever done.. My dentist even came out on TLC.. Okay enough ranting........

Good Luck Choloe!Health Question & Answer

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