I went to the hospital and they gave me an antibiotic and some pain pills to take for my abscess?!

Question: I went to the hospital and they gave me an antibiotic and some pain pills to take for my abscess.?
They also gave me a prescription for Pen-Vee K 500 mg.. and Lortab 5 mg.. What's the Pen-Vee K mg...? Oh yeah! Monday morning I have to go in and make an appointment with a Dentist to either get the teeth pulled or get a root canal done..Health Question & Answer

penicillin, antibiotic for the abcess.. lortab for pain.. my best advice, just get the tooth out, don't waste time and money on a root canal.. i did that 3 years ago, and the darn thing started breaking apart and i had to get it pulled.. i got it pulled finally this past wednesday, still in pain, and the tooth broke apart on the dental surgeon when he was taking it out.. make sure you take ALL the penicillin.. good luck!Health Question & Answer

Penn V K is an antibiotic that is commonly used for an abscessed tooth.. I have listed some possible side effects to monitor for:

Possible nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.. Occasionally, Penn V K can temporarily turn the tongue a black color, a condition called black hairy tongue.. Allergic reactions can range from a mild rash to life-threatening closure of the airway and a fall in blood pressure..

A toothache is horrible.. I hope you feel better soon.. Sometimes a dentist wants you to be on an antibiotic for several days prior to doing any dental work on an abscessed tooth.. When taking the pain meds, take it when you first sense that the pain medication is wearing off.. It will be more effective.. It is harder to control the pain with a toothache if you let the pain become too intense.. Early intervention is best..Health Question & Answer

Pen vee k is your antibiotic.. Lortab is hydrocodone with acetaminophen so it is a pain pill..Health Question & Answer

As answered earlier, penvk is a form of penicillin (antibiotic) you probably need to take 3-4 times daily for 10 days>.?.? check with the prescription) and your lortab is for pain..
Whatever you do, do NOT pull out the tooth.. Think about it, do you really want a gap there forever.? It will be an investment to get a root canal done, but what if you pull it out.. Later, you will be spending 3 times more for a bridge or even 5 times more for an implant to replace the missing tooth..
Once your natural tooth is gone, your teeth will begin to shift.. It's your body's natural way of closing the gap.. Your bite will change, and you will have to learn how to chew again.. If the tooth is savable, save it..
Now, if you get a root canal done, you must proceed with a build-up (similar to a giant filling), then a crown (cap) for the tooth or else the tooth may break apart due to its fragile state.. It will all be worth the investment..
Make an appnt with your dentist quickly if you haven't already.. The painkillers and antibiotics are temporary and will not get rid of the infection.. You must seek treatment right away.. The procedures for the root canal therapy are not painful so do not worry.. You dentist will take some x-rays and assess the problem from there.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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