How long does it take to recover from getting your wisdom teeth out?!

Question: How long does it take to recover from getting your wisdom teeth out.?
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8:00.. Any chance I will be able to play some golf on Tuesday afternoon.?Health Question & Answer

I had my wisdom teeth taken out, and I was under anesthesia for the procedure.. Granted, I was a little bit uncoordinated at first, I was up and moving around at home after about a 45 minute snooze.. I also ate a whole sack of ten white castle burgers and some taco bell later that day.. Who says surgery kills your appetite! Just make sure to wear the elastic thing around your head that holds the ice packs that keep the swelling down, check the bleeding, and drink probably 3 times as much water as you would while golfing, and the day before, just so you don't get dehydrated as well..Health Question & Answer

No.. You will have swelling and you wont feel so great.. You like cant really eat anything and its pretty painful......although it does depend if you are having all 4 out or just 2.. Either way i dont think you will be able to play golf the next day.. I dont even think your allowed to do that much moving after you get them taken out because of the pressure and stuff.. You will probably need up to a week to get better..

A tip for the swelling is to get bags of frozen corn (i know this sounds dumb but it really works) and use them as ice packs.. They form to your face and arent as harsh as ice cubes.. You will probably get a paper telling you what to do but you have to put ice on your face every 20 minutes (alternating right side for 20 then left for 20 then right for 20 etc..) Good Luck! Have fun lol..........Health Question & Answer

It depends how you had them out - was it under general anthestic in a hospital or just at the dentists.?

Once you have had them removed, you need to be careful not to eat really hot or really cold foods for a couple of days.. You need to keep the wound clean (rinse you mouth with warm salted water four times a day) and try not to chew any food with that part of your mouth..

The wound will feel tender for a week, and the gap will close over within two months..

..Health Question & Answer

I wouldnt hold my breath to play golf - it takes at least one day (if not an overnighter in a hopsital) to get over the grogginess from the anathestic - and then you have to be drugged up on painkillers and stuff.. For me, it took about a week to be completely recovered - i..e.. no pain or anything, but most ppl take longerHealth Question & Answer

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