Why are my teeth not white?!

Question: Why are my teeth not white.?
HI guys,
my teeth are not white and shiny they are like a yellowish but they not so yellow that when u look at them u feel like puking cause it looks like i haven't brushed them in days........
But i brush my teeth everyday twice a day(in the morning before i go to school and at night before i go to bed)......
But yet they don't seem to be changing color, is there any way i can make them go whiter without having teeth whiting as it is expensive......
Is there like any homemade stuff u make to put on your teeth to make them whiter......
Pls can someone help me.?
Thanks in advance
xxxxHealth Question & Answer

My teeth are naturally reallly yellow too
I know it sounds ovius but whitening toothpaste does change their colour slightly
also eating white bread (with the bleach in the flour) can give your teeth an exta boost
and not drinking coke and coffee can stop your teeth from looking yellow
hope it helps
xxHealth Question & Answer

Most peoples teeth and naturally white white.. That is just their natural color.. Bleaching doesn't actually bleach your teeth it just removes stains returning them to their original color, off white or light yellow.. Celebrities and people with super white teeth have veniers.. Don't fret, everyones' teeth are like yours!Health Question & Answer

Lemon juice, baking soda or baking powder can also be used for teeth whitening.. Rubbing the bark of walnut tree brightens the teeth.. Strawberries are natural teeth whiteners, simply rub them directly on your teeth or mash into a paste and apply..More remedies and information regarding your teeth at .blogspot..com/" rel="nofollow">http://useinfo-dentalcare..blogspot..com/Health Question & Answer

Try a baking soda-hydrogen peroxide mixture.. Make it a paste and brush with that.. Nasty, but effective.. Or if you can't handle that, rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide every night..
It works..Health Question & Answer

I have the same problem,
There are specific toothpastes you can use, but besides that i can't really help........
i can barely keep my own teeth white........
Some peoples teeth are just naturally yellower that othersHealth Question & Answer

here is a site

i found what you need,
lol ( :

.essortment..com/all/whitenyourteet_pry..htm" rel="nofollow">http://www..essortment..com/all/whitenyour......Health Question & Answer

Some people naturally have white teeth, some other don't..

It may be caused by what you eat and drink.. For instance, coke & other soft drinks, wine (though I hope you don't drink alcohol at your age), coffee, etc...... Smoking and genetics also influences the color of your teeth..

If you don't have braces and you are not planning on getting braces over the next year or so, I suggest you take a home teeth whitening kit.. You can find some for approximately $20..

But think carefully of the side effects: if you teeth aren't perfectly straight it will be very obvious, some stains won't go away, your teeth may get more sensitive to cold and warm drinks/food/etc......, and your gums may also be a lot more sensitive..

Finally, there's no point in whitening your teeth if you don't brush AND floss twice daily!!Health Question & Answer

As we grow older, our teeth tend to turn yellow.. Maybe you used Tetracyline antibiotics or like to swallow toothpaste (Fluorosis) especially before the age of 8 because at that age, children

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