I think my ORTHO is ripping me off ! help please?!

Question: I think my ORTHO is ripping me off ! help please.?
These people are horrible , the ladies that work in the office dont do anything but talk and gossip about other people ....that come in thier .. They charge 30$ if something pops off (tey just did that in the last few months) They do crappy work , and when something comes off they blame it all on me .. They say I shouldnt eat ____ stuff .. I ate bread and the stupid things come off ..

They put brackets so were I bite down they will come off ( I didnt start off thier ,its a chain that starts in jacksonville FL) im now in melbourne but thier was a reason why they didnt put them thier becuz they will come off and they are uncomfortable ..They come off usally with in a day that I get them on (the ones in the back) the wire always pops off and once a whole bracket came off the front and they its cuz what I eat but I dont chew with my front teeth..

the main one in jacksonville I never had this problem and they said that my braces would come off im may 2009 and the ones here are wating for novHealth Question & Answer

i have had braces before so i kinda know what your going through but not that bad!!
the reason why you go every month and they do the same thing is that they cant move your teeth all the time every time.. the tissues etc that support your teeth need to regrow etc so they don't bounce back to where they began, then its just a waste of money etc..
whereas for all the problems that your having with this guy, if i were you, I'd go see another ortho for a consultation for a second opinion.. if they say that its not right with whats happening etc (which obviously it isn't) and they say that they can fix it and give you the treatment plan and a reasonable cost, then id go to them.. overall your gonna spend more money than first needed to see another ortho but id go and take my mouth to someone else and dump the one your seeing now!! you'd be better off overall
good luckHealth Question & Answer

I understand how you feel.. Stop going to see these people and get a referral from a person that you trust and know and show care for you..Health Question & Answer

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