Wisdom Teeth =(?!

Question: Wisdom Teeth =(.?
Next week I have to get all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out.. I'm 16 (if that matters) and they don't have roots on them so my orthodontist said that it's going to be way easier than if they did have roots on them.. Should I be this nervous.?.?

By the way: What can I eat so I don't get dry socket.?!Health Question & Answer

It's true, having wisdom teeth taken out while they are still forming is much easier than waiting until later........................just like pulling weeds is much easier if they didn't have roots yet !

Try not to worry, most Oral Surgeons like to put their patients to sleep for the procedure, which is the best way because you don't remember or feel anything that happens..

Recovery is different for everyone, I've seen people go back to work later in the day, and I've seen people take a half a week off.. I wouldn't plan anything for a few days afterward, simply because you will be wanting to be a couch potato for a day or two.. Take it easy, let your family pamper you, take your pain meds, and lounge around..

Your dentist will tell you exactly what you should and should not eat after you have the teeth taken out.. Dry sockets are rare, especially if you follow the directions when your done.. Even if you get a dry socket, it is fixed my the dentist putting medicine on it, very simple..

Try not to waste the next week worrying about it, just plan some lounge time for the days afterward.. If you find you don't need much lounge time, you will even happier later !Health Question & Answer

I had them out at 17 and it really wasn't bad.. Mine did have roots too.. It did hurt a little but wayy less for me than when my wisdom teeth were in.. If I were you, i'd relax.. They'll give you some nice pain meds so you won't remember much at all of the following few days let alone any pain..

And as for food...... you probably won't be very hungry the first day or two.. But soft things like smoothies and shakes and jello are good.. Then noodles and like mashed potatoes after that.. Just don't rely too much on the milk products unless your body is already used to it.. The constant shakes and milk triggered lactose intolerance for me which made me really sick.. To this day I'm still lactose intolerant.. Anything else you feel like eating should be fine though..

Good luck! You'll be fine!Health Question & Answer

hmm, I got mine pulled out in April.. I had mainly choco pudding and jello's.. I think I also ate some mashed potatoes, but only later in the week.... and then I had some rice.. But no soda for a week or two.. That's what really sucked! You can't suck out of straws or on hard candy.. Umm, they give you this surenge looking thingy to be able to wash out food that does get stuck! But good luck, the sedatives are amazing.. :)Health Question & Answer

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