How can I maintain a clean and healthy smile?!

Question: How can I maintain a clean and healthy smile.?
I've was recently at my dentist who assured me that I have very healthy teeth which are extremly white and he says that I obviously take very good care of them, I feel however that they're really yellow, dirty and I just hate them.. I'm a little worried though because I recently got two fillings at the top back of my mouth and I'm really unsure if they're meant to be black or not, if they're black does that mean the tooth is rotting.? I clean my teeth three times a day and I also use moutwash twice a day just to be safe, would you say that's enough.? How can I maintain optimal dental hygiene.?

Cheers for your help,
Means a great deal to me..Health Question & Answer

The black is due to the ingredients of the filling (a mercury amalgam).. It doesn't mean the tooth is bad..

You obviously are taking good care of your teeth, otherwise your dentist would not be complimenting you on your dental hygiene.. If you do not already use dental floss, you can improve matters still further by flossing once a day.. Brushing alone will not remove debris and plaque from between the teeth.. Those little Xmas tree shaped brushes are also good for getting into little gaps.. A fluoride mouthwash once or twice a day will also help keep your teeth strong..

It sounds as if you're unconvinced that your teeth are in good health.. If it's the cosmetic aspect which is bothering you (you want them whiter), how about saving up for a whitening treatment, or applying some Crest Whitestrips yourself at home.?Health Question & Answer

I recently switched to using an electric tooth brush and it's awesome! I bought one from walmart it's an oral b it was $20.. My teeth got soo much whiter after using it.. And that was the only thing I changed to my routine was the toothbrush..Health Question & Answer

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