Why does a dentist pack the extraction sight?!

Question: Why does a dentist pack the extraction sight.?
I had an extraction on my molar and after going back to have my teeth cleaned I was told that they had to pack the hole, and what they use is really nasty tasting why do they need to do this.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

To prevent dry socket and infection.. The bad taste is clove oil a natural substance that soothes the area and is an antiseptic.. Helps the area to heal better.. Actually you have a good dentist, some don't use it all and leave it open like that..Health Question & Answer

This is called Alvogyl, Alvogyl is a dry socket treatment and post-extraction dressing.. It is a treatment which rapidly alleviates pain and provides a soothing effect throughout the healing process.. The active ingredients of Alvogyl include eugenol for analgesic action, butamben for anesthetic action and iodoform for anti-microbial action..

Your dentist probably thought it looked a bit raw, was in danger of becoming infected or going to give you pain at some point..Health Question & Answer

To help a clot form and stop the bleeding.. When you have a tooth extracted it needs to form a clot so that the nerve is not exposed to air.. This is why they also say no smoking or drinking out of straws this will remove the clot..Health Question & Answer


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