Question: BRACES!!!HELP PLEASe...?
i'm getting braces tomorrow and was just wondering what all they will do..Health Question & Answer

Well they glue them on and put your wire in after they put the bands in the back..

Don't worry it dosent really hurt at all, its after they are on that they are sore..

Just take some tylenol before you go.. And eat before you go also..

Then just eat soft foods for awhile, b/c they will be sore..

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

i've had braces for almost 15 months now, im getting them off next month.. Dont worry!....i was stressed out too when i first got them..

it isnt that daunting.. firstly the orthodontist must have put in separaters in your back teeth a week's prior to getting braces.. So tomorrow, they will remove your separaters and put metal bands around your molars, sticking them on with some special type of glue..

Then they will start sticking tiny metal studs on your incisors and premolars.. Afterwards, they will put wire throught the tiny metal studs and the metal bands will hold the wires in place.. Another thing that also holds the wire in place is coloured elastic modules placed around the tiny metal studs.. You can change the colour everytime you visit the orthodontist in your future appointments..

After getting braces on, you may experience some aching in your teeth.. But it will go away in a couple of hours.. Panadol helps.. You should take some before getting your braces..

Near the end of your orthodontic treatment, you may wear elastics.. Which also help your teeth move..

After your orthodontic treatment, you will wear a retainer for a while to hold your teeth in place and to prevent them from moving back to their original positions..Health Question & Answer

ok here is what they do they take the spacers out (if you had them) clean between your teeth put the mouth stretchers and something on your tongue they will put the brackets on then after they are done with that if you need hooks they will put those on then they will put a blue light on to dry the cement that keeps the brckets on then they will let you rinse and brush your teeth (depends on orthodontist) you will only have that brackets on at this point then they will make you sit back down they will show you the colors let you pick the colors i prefer a like lite blueish greenish color but i got the colored wires so after you pick the color out they will put the wire on you will here popping because they have to put the wire in the brackets so then they clip the wire to fit your mouth they put the colors on then they give you the "kit" with all the stuff cleaning supplies and wax strips (keep this in handy) the list of what you can and cant eat and drink (i threw this away) but i really cant eat anything yeat and then you are set to go have fun!!Health Question & Answer

It doesnt hurt at all to get them on (You can trust me on that because i have practically no pain threshold) eat a big meal before though because they will hurt quite a bit about two hourse after.. Not a searing pain but a constant dulling pain thats always there.. have your mom get you some soft foods (good chance to mooch for some icecream lol).. This only lasts for a few days and then it goes away.. No bigy! dont worry about it at all.. I have many friend that have had braces and this seems to be the general eperience for them all.. Good luck and all the pain is worth the wonderful smile in the end!!Health Question & Answer

The process takes time --- first they will examine your mouth to find out how crooked your teeth are.. Once done with it they will proceed with polishing and making your teeth dry.. A glue kind of thing is used, and then they will put wires and twist the colored ties on the brackets to keep the wire tight.. Only the spacers and the twisting are worst, otherwise the process is not at all painful! At the end, you will be surprised at your wonderful smile***
Your teeth will feel sore for 3 to 4 days, but its not bad then your ugly crooked teeth

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