Has anyone ever had Geographic Tongue?!

Question: Has anyone ever had Geographic Tongue.?
About a month ago when my 2 year old daughter ate certain things, she would tell me "It hurts my mouth" and when I asked her to open her mouth and show me where it hurts, right in the middle of her tongue there was a little spot where it looked a little bare, and around the spot, it was whitish.. I took her to the doctors 2 days after for a follow up for an ear infection, and for the doctor to check on her tongue.. He said it was a condition called Geographic Tongue and that there was nothing that could be done for it, except give it time to heal on its own..
Her tongue went back to normal after about 2 weeks, but yesterday she was complaining about her tongue hurting, so I asked to see it once again and it was the same exact thing..

My question is......Do you think her pediatrician is right, or should I get a second opinion.?
Is there any relation to Geographic Tongue and any other illness.?
Thank you for your help.. Any advice and opinion is welcome..Health Question & Answer

.umm..edu/ency/article/001049..htm" rel="nofollow">http://www..umm..edu/ency/article/001049..h......

Vitamin B deficiency, reaction to spicy foods..

I'd keep the food super bland for a while..

.familyeducation..com/illness/medical-diagnosis/40560..html" rel="nofollow">http://life..familyeducation..com/illness/......

.healthytonguesecrets..com/hts/" rel="nofollow">http://www..healthytonguesecrets..com/hts/

Hahahah.. Here is a link that your stupid doctors must have read.. It wins the prize for LEAST informative.. It's kind of funny..
.med..umich..edu/1libr/pa/pa_gtongue_hhg..htm" rel="nofollow">http://www..med..umich..edu/1libr/pa/pa_gto......

Here's an article that links to other possible diseases..
.emedicine..com/DERM/topic664..htm" rel="nofollow">http://www..emedicine..com/DERM/topic664..h......

Good luck..

Oh, and when it comes to your baby........ trust your instinct.. If something doesn't "feel" right, then you do whatever you need to do to find answers.. Doctors are people, too.. They don't know everything.. You keep searching until you feel like you've done all you could...... then you do a little more anyway..Health Question & Answer

Did you check Wikipedia.? It says something about certain foods bringing it about or making it worse......also says it's genetic.. Do any of your family members have/had it.?

To be honest......if it is something else......what could it be.? An ulcer.?......not much else it can be in my opinion......I certainly have never heard of anything else affecting the tongue.. But it's always better to get a second opinion and visit another doctor......

Check wiki though:

.wikipedia..org/wiki/Geographic_tongue" rel="nofollow">http://en..wikipedia..org/wiki/Geographic_......Health Question & Answer

i would DEFINATELY NOT COUNT ON A PEDIATRIC DOCTOR TO TREAT THIS.. you need to go to a pediatric DENTIST so he can give you the products and the treatment your daughter needs for that.. There is normally no product that can help this, but she may have other things going on in the mouth that could be causing this.. IT is important to bring her to a pediatric dentist..Health Question & Answer

She is reacting to the foods your feeding her.. Think back what she was eating.. I have a friend who has this issue with different types of nuts.. They don't hurt her physically but will give her a geographic tongue.. She once ate one just to show us what happens to her tongue..

Looks like you will need to log what she is eating that causes this for her to avoid these foods..Health Question & Answer

I would watch what kind of foods trigger this.. I worked in a dental office and one of the employees actually had it, and she was about 45 and has had it her entire life.. She has to stay away from any spicy foods and then it doesn't bother her..Health Question & Answer

A second opinion wouldn't hurt.. Who knows, some one else might be able to help her..Health Question & Answer

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