I wanna know everythink about how they put the spacer in your mouth?!?!

Question: I wanna know everythink about how they put the spacer in your mouth.?!.?
please tell me each single detail of how do they put the spacers in ur mouth and how painful it is!! =DHealth Question & Answer

Ok well spacers, it's really not as complicated as braces..
All they do is take the spacer with a tool and shove it between the teeth that need to be spaced..
Actually, they don't shove it.. They just put it between the teeth.. They do not hurt.. They just cause a lot of soreness, so eat soft foods.. I had to wear mine for a week.. But it depends on certain people..
If it falls out, you can tell.. So make sure to call and tell them ASAP because it can make your orthodonic treatment last longer =/ And they can replace it with another one..
Good luckHealth Question & Answer

To put the spacers in, your ortho strings a piece of floss through the spacer (which is a little ring), and then put them in like they're flossing your teeth.. It hurts pretty bad, but if you can get through spacers, you can get through braces.. just take a tylenol and maybe try swishing with salt water to ease the pain.. You may also be eating soup and jello for a little while..Health Question & Answer

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