After wisdom teeth are removed?!

Question: After wisdom teeth are removed.?
im getting my bottom wisdoms removed and one other tooth...... on the 4th

what can i eat after that.? will it hurt a lot after(going to oral surgeon so it wont hurt during).?
im am utterly terrified of dentists so im afraid please i need reasurance because everyone is making it worce..Health Question & Answer

well u shouldn't eat after, u probably won't feel like it anywayz.. it doesn't hurt cause the dentist numbs the area in your mouth so u don't feel anything.. and after the procedure u feel like u've got a baseball in ur mouth cause it feels big and numb.. u feel alright for awhile until the novicane starts wearing off and i felt like someone stabbed me in the back of my mouth w/ a screwdriver, it hurts like HELL!! sorry but good luckHealth Question & Answer

When my wisdom teeth were removed, I went to a low-cost dentist and had a pretty bad experience.. They didn't give any pain killer besides Novocaine, and they ended up having to break up the bottom teeth into four pieces to get them out.. Despite all that, it hurt a lot less than I though it would and I had no complications.. My cheeks did not swell, and I had no trouble talking immediately after the procedure.. It's really not as bad as most people make it out to be..

If you're really scared, you can ask your dentist to prescribe an anti-anxiety pill to take before your appointment.. I have a friend who take valium before every dental visit, and it works like a charm (just make sure you have a ride)..Health Question & Answer

Most likely you will be so drugged up the first day that you won't know what is going on (any way I was but I am pretty small).. I had all 4 of mine out last year and it did take a little while to recover, about a week to feel completely better but after 48 hours I was just a little sore.. It is important to follow all of the oral surgeon's instructions to make sure you heal properly.. The first day I ate mash potatoes, jello, pudding, and yogurt......but I really wasn't too hungry.. A good oral surgeon will go through all of this with you.. You may want to have a list of questions to ask just in case.. You should be fine--I have a VERY LOW tolerance for pain and I wasn't too bad off.. But as I said, I can't really remember much of that first day...... In my experience, it was not even close to as scarey and painful as I thought it would be, and dentists are not my fav either! Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I had laughing gas today and it is actually fun sorta.. It isn't as bad as people say.. Today I ate pudding, jello, mashed potatoes, and campbells soup at hand.. Wait like 5 minutes for those soups to get cold.. The first day is the worst because you don't know what to expect.. Get your parents or girlfriend or whatever to get you a frosty from wendy's.. It helps a lot.. After you are done eating rinse your mouth out with warm salt water..Health Question & Answer

They give you vicodin after you get your teeth pulled- it's like REALLY strong Tylenol, so you won't feel a thing.. Just stick to eating soft foods, and you'll be fine..Health Question & Answer

i was scared to death to go as well.. but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.. i was a little sore afterwards........but it wasn't imbearable.. eat soft foods like yogurt, apple sauce, etc..Health Question & Answer

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