Post Wisdom teeth Extraction? please helP? i wrote an essay so please respond :P?!

Question: Post Wisdom teeth Extraction.? please helP.? i wrote an essay so please respond :P.?
nutes.. everything was going to be fine i was told.. there are no pieces of wisdom teeth left in the doctor told me for sure.. Now here it is hte 25th.. and I think my mouth is still pretty swollen on the inside and i cant see my upper mouth.. and i cant move enough of my swollen cheek out of hte way of my lower left to see it.. when i look at the lower right all i see is a hole.... is this normal.? any tips.? my mom is extrememly pissed at me and making a big deal about me not mowing the whole lawn because once my heart started beating hard my mouth started pounding as well.. She says i'm just being lazy because the only time i complained about it hurting was when i had to mow the grass.. it still hurts most of hte time but its not bad.. only when i get my heart racing.. any advice on the mouth or mom problem.? sry for the essay.. btw when ppl tell me to ice it but should i just hold some ice inside my mouth because only the inside of my cheeks are swllen the outside of my face so u cnt tll by lookinHealth Question & Answer

how long has it been since you had them taken out.? I was told after mine that it could take up to 2 weeks for the holes to close.. I had to rinse inside the holes with a salt water solution, which helped them to heal and keeps food particles from getting trapped in the holes which could be VERY painful.. If you smoke, it is also possible that you got dry socket which I hear can be painful.. Make sure you are following all of the oral surgen's instruction carefully.. I did and I was fine, my husband did not and was in a lot of pain.. It did take me about a week to feel back to pretty much normal..Health Question & Answer

Hey when I had mine out (also extracted) I iced them for days while only eating mac and cheese and taking pain killers every 4 hours.. If you have stitches in your gums any serious increase in pressure can cause them to break and your gums to bleed, bacteria to get in etc..

So, sorry mom mowing the grass if probably out of the question.. Ice your cheeks, lay down and get comfy and heal.. It takes time! Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I don't know how long it's been, and of course it's the weekend.. If it's not better on Monday CALL THE NURSE, and tell her what's going on!
Bless you and good luck! :)Health Question & Answer

yeah i had a wisdom tooth 3rd week in feb and i still have the hole from the extraction.. dentist said completely normal..
just keep rinsing ur mouth with warm salt water.. u should ice on the outside it works better without the extraction site being to sensitive to heat or the coldness of somthing..
the mom just doesnt understand.. my mom is the same way.. but i have a high pain toolerance so once i complain she knows it hurts..
depends on how well ur mom knows u..
im sry ur mom is being a real pain about it..

hope u feel better soon..Health Question & Answer

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