Im getting braces soon? what color should i get? is it gonna be painfull?!

Question: Im getting braces soon.? what color should i get.? is it gonna be painfull.?
yea im realy nervous i wont look right with them.... my teeth are not crroked at all.... like i dont even know why i gotta get emm.. im getting them on august 5.. thats like 9 days away.. pleaseee give me some adviceeHealth Question & Answer

I got my braces on on February 14th, it didn't hurt AT ALL! The "procedure" of getting them on is painless.. The only pain there is happens AFTER a day of having them on.. Your teeth get SUPER sore/tender/sensative.. It's a good idea to cut up your food before you eat it so it feels much better when you chew.. Eat soft foods like shakes, soup, pudding, oatmeal, salads, and ice cream.. Other foods like apples, cereal, and and harder foods hurt when you chew them up.. When they are putting your braces on, you may taste a sour taste in your mouth so make sure you ask the doctor for a glass of water afterwards to wash out your mouth.. Another tip: Bring a stick of chapstick to your orthodontist's because they use this thing to stretch your mouth appart and hold your tongue back.. An hour with your mouth being stretched open dries your lips out like crazy so make sure you mosturize them before and after your appointment or else they will feel uncomfortable.. Take a look at this website:" rel="nofollow">

It should guide you through the procedure so you will know what they will be doing to you.. I hope that helps =)

OMG! I almost forgot about the fun part! COLORS!!! All colors look fantastic for your braces, you can't go wrong.. Whatever your favorite color is would be your best choice.. If you can't decide, always remember that you can change your color after 5-6 weeks.. I have had silver, black, orange, red, and now black again.. They all looked FANTASTIC.. People say that yellow and black will make your teeth look that color but it DOESN'T AT ALL! THEY WON'T MAKE YOUR TEETH LOOK BLACK OR YELLOW!

Too sum this up, braces are a great way to straighten your teeth or fix a messed up bite.. You may think you want them because they look cool, but trust me, after a while they SUCK LIKE HELL! I HATE BRACES! Lol..

I hope my answer helped you out.. =) Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I got braces twice.. Once when I was in 3rd grade, and again when I was in 7th grade till sophomore year in hs!!

Get whatever color you like.. Clear ones are nice, but do whatever you feel comfortable with.. When they put your braces on it's not going to hurt, but it'll be uncomfortable.. I suggest taking advil or motrin or something before you go to your appt to get your braces because the pain after is the worst.. For the next week or so, your teeth will feel very painful because they are getting use to the new changes.. So I would suggest taking those medications every day in the morning so that the pain won't be so bad.. =) good luck!Health Question & Answer

oh theyl be a reason.... maybe they dont line up right.? or maybe the ortho just wants some money =S

either way, everyone looks a bit gumpy with braces for the first week or so, 2nd - 3rd week ul hardly even think about it..

it doesnt hurt getting them on =] it just takes a while, but its not a tedious thing really.. after you get em on itl take about 10-30 mins to feel the crunch, and then after about 40 mins, yeah it hurts.. but its all bearable, take painkiller etc, youl be sweet..

the first few days youl have to eat soft food, so i reccomend before you get them, eat a huuuuge meal so you wont have to eat afterwards =] cause for the first 12 hours you can pretty much only bear to eat soup and really soft stuff.... but if your teeth arent that bad, then the pull might not be quite as horrific as it is for some..

youl be fiiine =DHealth Question & Answer

It doesn't hurt at all to get them on but it sometimes hurts a little afterwords when they tighten them.. But that's only for a day or so, not too bad.. It depends how old you are about your color dilema.. Most younger kids will get colors of their favorite sports team or whatever else, but if you're in middle or high school you might want to get neutral colors so the braces aren't as obvious.. I just get white or grey so it blends in.. Most people don't even realize I have braces.. Whatever you do, stay away from black and really bright colors unless you want the whole world to know you have braces on your teeth.. Maybe you'll be proud of it but I know I'm doing my very best to hide them.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Let me be the expert on braces.. I have had them for five long years.. When you get them on they put a plastic seperater around your lips keeping your teeth dry so they can glue on braces.. Getting them on wont hurt.. A day or two after, your mouth might be soar.. After a while they tend to scratch the inside of your lips and thats annoying more than hurting...... sometimes it may be painful.. the backs and wires might dig into your cheeks and that hurts so they give you wax to place over it so its smoothing to your mouth.. Spacers are a pain...... they push your teeth appart, that hurts..
My advice is to choose navy blue.... everyone dose.. Its not to showey, you dont want ppl to notice them (even though they will) trust me on this...... first color should be navy blue...... its simple and matches hiddenly with everything..Health Question & Answer

When I got mine on a few years ago, there was a dull, yet annoying pain in my teeth for about a week, I think.. You get used to them quickly, though.. It might be difficult to eat for a few days, so you may want to stick with softer foods during that time.. Mine also got tightened every month, which presented the same problem again, but only for a day..

also, make sure you tell the dentist if the wire is sticking out of the back and poking your gums or cheeks.. They tear up the skin inside your mouth pretty bad.. You'll know what I mean when you get them..Health Question & Answer

i had braces for five years, you get used to it, its painful but not too bad, you can change the colour of your braces every time you go to the ortho, you can even get red white and green ones for christmas or orange and black for halloween, how festive!!!

when your getting work down, let you cheeks jaw mouth be as loose and relaxed as possible, otherwise it will hurt more..

rember they come off eventually and then youll be all perrtty like me!Health Question & Answer

It could be for bite correction......
Whatever color you want, and you can get more than one color..
Eat really well before you go, because your teeth and gums will be sore.. The braces irritate your lips, and you'll catch your lips on them a bit at first, but you'll get used to it.. Just eat soft foods for a few days after you get them, and you'll be okay..Health Question & Answer

you will get use to them fast.. Do not worry.. I have had braces and it does not really hurt that bad when they are putting them on it is afterwards, later on the day because your mouth is not use to them yet.. You will be ok just take some advil with you.. also, on color.. I would say not to get white or clear because those stain and do not get a color that goes with the month.. I knew people who would get red, white and blue during july and then in augest they look silly.. LOL anyway I would say get your favorite color, i always choosed a blue or purple.. hope I helped!!Health Question & Answer

No one looks right with braces but after a week people will get used to them and stop noticing them..

For colors do not get white because they eventually turn yellow (ick) Get a bright color if you want the color to stand out because anything else you just can't see.. I would suggest blue or red..

They will hurt the first week or so.. Eat soft foods like apple sauce, mashed potatoes, etc.. The braces make your mouth feel really sore.. But after a while you don't even notice them and you will have a great smile in no time!!
good luck!Health Question & Answer

braces are painful at first, you wont be abe to bite anything solid for a few days, but trust me, its worth it in the long run
(had braces for 4 years, but my teeth were a mess) and clear would be the easiest, white to match your teeth (or yellow XD) but black matches everything (i had black but idk if it comes in that anymoreHealth Question & Answer

You should get whatever color you want!
If you think you won't look good with them, you should get something kinda gray......or white.. That way people won't notice as much as if you got black......or some really obnoxious color like orange or green..

I hear they hurt a lot....I'm getting mine in on Wednesday....and I'm a little nervous....
I have spacers right now, and some people tell me that braces hurt worse......if that's true....then HOLY COW......brace yourself!!!!
dude......that was actually kinda funny......haha..........anyways....

and if your teeth aren't really crooked, you might have a really bad overbite, crossbite, or underbite......braces don't only fix crooked teeth....they also give you a healthy bite and sometimes fix TMJ (I think that's what it's called......)
I don't know what it stands for, but it's something wrong with your jaw......

Looks like you got a lot of great, experienced people to answer your question, so I hope you don't feel too nervous anymore......Health Question & Answer

Yes, it does hurt at first, but after a while (like a week), it dies down.. The best thing that you can do is take pain killer, and eat soft foods.. Here is a good link to a website with lots of tasty items:" rel="nofollow">
also, the color depends on your own taste.. I say avoid yellows, because it makes your teeth look crapy.. I am a fan of clear, because it is less noticable.. Here is another link with lots of color choices:" rel="nofollow">
Hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

at first they dont usually give you colors because the colored bands have a purpose of moving your teeth.. When you get them on it doesnt hurt at all........feels strange though.. It feels like your lip is on a shelf in your mouth.. It does hurt when you get them tightend but that probablly wont happen for about a month or so.. Don't get yellow it looks like your teeth are REALLY dirty.. I have light sea foam green..Theres nothing to be nervous about so many people have braces....including me :DHealth Question & Answer

the color is usually for you to decide especially if your dentist doesn't have the color you want......
when the bands are being put on already, you'll start to feel its tightness but it starts to really hurt when you wake up the next morning.. it feels like you don't want to use your teeth for chewing and end up eating soup instead..Health Question & Answer

it's okay they look fine a lot of people have them! i had them! they will not hurt other than being sore for the first week because your teeth will need to get used to them.. for the colors maybe you should get summery colors like orange pink and yellow! i always would match it to the season or holiday for halloween black and orange......and red and green for good luck everything will be fine!Health Question & Answer

I got braces and people complain about it hurting and im just like what the heck.? It so does not hurt and when they are tightened its uncomfortable but doesnt hurt, and id say check the colors they have, because we dont know your gender color preferences or what the options are.. =0Health Question & Answer

My best advice would be to go with something that will match pretty much whatever you will be wearing.. I usually got black or silver.. DO NOT GET WHITE! They make your teeth look yellow......even if they aren't.. And take Tylenol before you go to numb the pain because IT WILL HURT A LOT! But, don't worry, you will get used to it.. Stick to soft foods for awhile and avoid tends to just get stuck in the brackets! I hope that helps! Good luck, I hope your teeth look fantastic..Health Question & Answer

If your teeth aren't crooked, why are you getting braces.? Do you have an overbite.? Get the clear ones.. Getting braces is somewhat uncomfortable.. It made my teeth ache, because your teeth are being slowly forced to shift into place.. It's not a big deal though........and loads of people get braces every day.. Don't be nervous..Health Question & Answer

Congrats! I just got mine about 2 months ago.. In my opinion, getting them on doesn't hurt at all.. On a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being the most painful, it hurts like a 2.. My orthodontist doesn't have colors, so I wouldn't know on that one.. It is mainly up to you, and what you like.. Good Luck......
P..s.. Getting them on doesn't hurt, but the day after, it hurts like crazy!!! : ) I hope this helps you out!Health Question & Answer

don't worry they can be fun when u get to change the colors and stuff but the only painful part is getting them tighten but its not too bad i like it when ppl get too different colors for there braces like for christmas u can get green and red

Dont be nervous!!!
Good Luck!!Health Question & Answer

First Off Dont Worry It Doesnt Hurt One Bit..[=
And Secondly, Take A PainRelifer Like 30 Minutes Before Your App.. That Worked For Me
But I Would have To Say The Worst Part Is The Bands And If You Didnt Know What They Were There The Little Metal Things That Go Around Your Entire Tooth..
And Dont Worry About Your How You'll Look In Them, You'll Do Fine [= And If Your Teeth Are Already Straight You'll Have Em' Off In No-Time
And You Should Get Your Favorite Color[ :
Hope I HelpedHealth Question & Answer

Get whatever color you like, everytime you go to the dentist for a tightening they can change the color.. For me the pain was sometimes unbearable plan on eating soggy cheerios for the next 2 years..Health Question & Answer

NEVER EVER GET GREEN RUBBER BANDS!! It will look like you have stuff in your teeth.. Yes, it will hurt.. Sorry.. The best way to describe the initial feeling is like someone came in and built sky scrapers on your teeth..
Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

yes, it will hurt.. in the beginning it'll feel like your teeth are gonna fall out .... eventually it gets sort of better .... but every time u go to the ortho .... it's gonna hurt for a few days ..

the price we pay for nice teeth.. ;-)Health Question & Answer

they hurt for probably the first three days.. and don't stress about the color normally you can change it about ever 4-6 weeks..Health Question & Answer

I think blACk or red looks really good.. And YES THEY WILL HURT SOOOOO BAD!!!Health Question & Answer

get green it makes white look better and your skin will be high lighted plus you won't have to rinse if you eat brocolli or somethin'Health Question & Answer

they hurt for only 2 days..
get teal!!Health Question & Answer

are you a boy

well if you are a girl then get pink and orange if you are a guy get blue an like a greenHealth Question & Answer

Well, it wasn't painful for me.. And- get any color you like best!Health Question & Answer

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