Braces?Colours,pain and stuff.?!

Question: Braces.?Colours,pain and stuff...?
Okay I'm getting braces 3 days from now(August 1)and I need info ASAP! 1)Like does it hurt.?People say it does people say it doesn't.. 2)I also need some colour ideas! I know no white for sure! I as thinking red and black because they're my favourite colours! 3)What's the procedure.?Right now I have my 8 spacers and had the here since Friday..(July 25) 4)also what food should I eat and what shouldn't I.?And if you have ANY more info email me or just add it with the answers!Thanx guys and girls!You don't know how much this means 2 me!Health Question & Answer

#1.. When u get your braces on it doesn't hurt but they stretch your lips so make sure your lips aren't dry.. After it hurts take Tylenol or ibuprofen
#2.. Hot Pink and Bright Orange but white gets dirty and yellow makes you teeth look dirty..
#3.. First they take the spacers out then they put the metal rubber bands around your back molars.. Then they take each bracket and cement them on.. (glue tastes horrible) Then they pop the wire in and let you choose colors or colours.. Then you brush and are outta there..
#4.. Soup is great for the first day.. Yogurt is a great snack don't eat a lot of solid food for about 3- 4 day..Health Question & Answer

it's not really painful, you will feel a pressured when you talk

when you eat (bite), it will become painful , not so painful tho.... it will be like that for a few days, then when you get used to it, the pain will disappear

no BRIGHT RED.... it will look like you have chili left in your teeth (i experienced that)

you wil have minor sores in the inside of your cheek because the braces are kinda sharp, but your cheek will get used to it and the sores will disappear =)

juz eat soft food for the first week, then juz eat normally so that your teeth will get used to the braces then, no more pain....

when you eat foods like banana, pizza, apple or burger, make sure to slice it...... (don't use your front teeth to cut the food) cos it will interfere with the pushing/pulling of the braces,,Health Question & Answer

it does hurt but we all learn to bare the pain, plus its a beautiful smile forever so whats a little pain gonna do....

yea no white, yellow or green.. red looks like your mouth is bleeding and black looks like you have holes in your teeth, stick to bright colours, ive had bad experiences with red and black..

err it takes about 1hr of leaving your mouth open and they suck all the saliva outta your mouth, its not too nice actually..

you cant eat hard biscutes cause they bend the wire, but i eat everything else and my ortho dosnt notice..Health Question & Answer

I've never needed braces so I can't answer the pain question firsthand, but alot of my friends have had them and say they do hurt quite a bit.. Only when you get them tightened, or if you are hit in the face.. Sometimes they can cut your lip, or even get stuck on your lip.. Get a color that matches your eyes, unless your eyes are brown/black, try something colorful.. You should get neon green, that would be cool haha..Health Question & Answer

Ive had mine for almost a year, it didn't hurt when i got them on ,but about an hour later they got sore..Greens and blues look good and i think the color orange looks awesome..For the first few days try to stay away from hard foods,you can chew gum,but its supposed sugar free,but every dentist tells you that so..When you eat hard candy or somethin like that try not to bite into it because you could break a bracket off..
Hope i helpedHealth Question & Answer

It may hurt for a couple of days, but soon enough you wont feel it anymore..
Well, there are some transparent braces, glow in the dark braces, or you can get normal colors..
You can eat anything that wont stick too hard on your teeth (Ex.. Bubble gum, caramel)..Health Question & Answer

it doesnt really hurt too much, eat a soft diet for 3 days though.. and do not get white bracesHealth Question & Answer


THATS ALL THE INFO I HAVEHealth Question & Answer

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