I am frightened of going to the dentist, I havent been in years because of this?!

Question: I am frightened of going to the dentist, I havent been in years because of this.?
I have an appointment tomorrow.. I hope my teeth are OK (!!!)Health Question & Answer

When you get there, tell the dentist of your fear and explain that this is the reason you haven't been there for so long.. Then he/she will be extra careful to explain things, avoid causing you any discomfort, etc.. If you are too scared to go through with it, go anyway and explain--the dentist might reschedule and prescribe a dose of ativan or something like it to help you relax during the rescheduled appointment..

also, don't avoid the dentist after this.. Once you get through this initial visit, keep going back as much as you can (or as much as your insurance will allow), such as every 6 months for a checkup and cleaning.. The increased exposure will help decrease your anxiety..

When you are in the chair, use the "relaxation response" (google it......basically you focus on the number 1, and anytime your mind wanders, you consciously bring yourself back to thinking of 1), consciously relax you muscles (you'll find yourself tensing up, and that makes the whole thing much more uncomfortable than it needs to be), and keep telling yourself, "It's almost over......five more minutes......half an hour from now I'll be out of here and doing such-and-such......" etc..Health Question & Answer

Being frightened of the dentist should'nt keep you from going.. If you avoid seeing them for cleanings (which generally are painless and easy) you can usually avoid major problems such as needing crowns/root canals, etc.. later on..

Hopefully your dentist is a nice person.. If you are extremely anxious usually they will have a visit with your prior to your appointment and prescribe something to keep you calm like a valium, but make sure you have someone drive you there and back..Health Question & Answer

In life we're always trading.. Every decision we take, we're losing and gaining something, there's no other way.. I understand you don't like going to the dentist, but it's up to you, feeling some discomfort or live with bad breath and in the short time, lose your teeth..
Just move yourself in a positive thinking that you can do it, and you'll do it, for sure..
Good luck..Health Question & Answer

me too......they have this thing in my town (i'm sure it is elsewhere, too) called sedation dentistry......they basically knock you out, work on your teeth, and then you go home all calm and 'happy'......of course until any pain meds wear off!

not sure how much it is but it may be worth looking up to see if your insurance covers something like that......Health Question & Answer

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