I have an adjitated nerve and an infection on a chipped tooth and now the one next to it is starting to hurt?!

Question: I have an adjitated nerve and an infection on a chipped tooth and now the one next to it is starting to hurt.?
Could it be that the infection is spreading.?
Or is it just sore from me playing with the tooth next to it.?

I am on medication to get rid of the infection (take it twice daily).. And Im getting a root canal and a crown on Monday..
(Do those hurt as bad as everyone says.?!.?!)

So, why do you think its sore.?
Thanks :]Health Question & Answer

Hello, If left untreated or not treated aggressively enough any abscess can spread......Not only is the fact that your dealing with an infection important but it's also important to realize that an abscess can't spread without doing so by eroding away bone to make room for the spreading infection......It sounds as though you are on an antibiotic and that's the right course of treatment prior to other procedures......However, given your statement about how it's feeling I would suggest that you call your DDS and inform he or she about it as you may need a more aggressive strength antibiotic......The reality is that you need to get the infection under control before other procedures take place..

As for the pain issue as it relates to the impending procedures......It's very unlikely you will feel anything you can actually call "Painful" ......you may experience a small moment of discomfort when the anesthetic is administered but it will be very short and nothing to fear........I've had hangnails that were more painful than getting an anesthetic injection and they lasted a lot longer........You'll do just fine.. However, you do need to call your DDS......ASAP about what your currently feeling and see if you should be on a different antibiotic.. Good luck and I wish you well..Health Question & Answer

Root canals dont hurt if you get novocaine to numb you up..Health Question & Answer

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