Wire behind teeth?!

Question: Wire behind teeth.?
Today my sister returned from the orthodontist with a retainer like wire behind her top and bottom teeth.. She now speaks with a lisp and tells me her tongue is uncomfortable between those wires and that she can't take them off.. She just got braces last month and now she has these wires behind her teeth as well.. I was wondering if someone could explain to me what those wires are and for how long will she have to wear them.. Let me remind you that she just got braces last month, and why didn't I have to wear them throughout my entire time with my braces.?Health Question & Answer

My son just had his removed.. It's like a retainer, they usually put those in when you have teeth pulled to keep the teeth that are still there from "drifting" until a new tooth grows in or until the gap is closed by the braces.. You may not have had them because you didn't have a large gap to fill.. also they put them in if they are trying to create a gap, like if you have an overlapping tooth..Health Question & Answer

They are called permanent/fixed or non-removable retainers.. She will get used to them very soon and will be able to talk normally.. Braces cause your teeth to move but in this process it can cause the bone structure around the teeth to change.. That is why some people who don't wear their removable retainers will have crooked teeth again.. Braces are not always a permanent guaranteed fix.. She could have these fixed retainers in for a very long time or even forever.. They will ensure that her teeth stay as straight as possible for as long as possible.. She does need to take extra care to floss these areas daily.. Our teeth have a natural occurrence that is referred to as medial drift.. They slowly over time move/drift towards the center/front teeth.. That is why even those that are blessed with straight teeth from birth may find in 60 years their teeth are not as straight.. These fixed retainers are a popular treatment from orthodontists.. It is much better than having to wear a removable one and this way their patients have no choice but to follow through with wearing them.. Hope this helps some..Health Question & Answer

She will probably get a bump on the end of her tongue because when you get those, you cant stop messing with them cause they are so weird..

There is stuff called Ulcer-Ease and it numbs it for a while..
tell her not to eat those "sugar daddies" or sugar babies because they pull them out and it cost 200 bucks to put them back in..Health Question & Answer

I had braces and now I have a wire behind my bottom teeth and if it ever falls off I have to get it put back on.. It's a permanent retainer because I had one tooth partially behind the other.. I've had it for 10 years almost and I usually forget it's there..Health Question & Answer

wy dont u ask the freakin orthoHealth Question & Answer

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