Why does virtually everyone in Great Britain have bad teeth or poor dental health? Noticed 5 yrs ago?!

Question: Why does virtually everyone in Great Britain have bad teeth or poor dental health.? Noticed 5 yrs ago.?
Will a Brit please answer this.?
I have been reading BBC news online and watching their cable news and tv shows for about 5 yrs now.. I have noticed that at least 8 out of 10 people have horribly unbearable teeth.. I know they have a free national health care plan, but I want to know the cultural, historical, practical and moral attitudes and actions towards having a set of healthy, even, clean, white and full teeth..

The NHS provides the majority of healthcare in England, including primary care, in-patient care, long-term healthcare, ophthalmology and dentistry.. The National Health Service Act 1946 came into effect on 5 July 1948.. Private health care has continued parallel to the NHS, paid for largely by private insurance, but it is used by less than 8% of the population..

Following the government's introduction of a new contract in April 2006, NHS dentistry is not as widely used with 900,000 fewer patients seeing an NHS dentist in 2008 and 300,000 losing their coverage each monthHealth Question & Answer

It is very difficult to get NHS dentistry at all, if you are not already registered, then you have no chance..
I was with one dentist for 15 years, then one day just got a letter saying - no more NHS treatments, my practice is now private..

As for practical and moral reasons..
Firstly, we all want great teeth, and despite what you may think, have great and cheap toothcare products..

Secondly, the NHS was the main dentistry in the past, but they use the cheapest materials, and absolutely NO cosmetic treatments at all, just essential work..
My teeth are not great I admit, but the reason is that I was given non-stop anti biotics at the age of 3 for tonsilitis (40 years ago).. My dentist told me that the stuff I had destroyed all my enamel, and it is now well known, but they still prescribe it..
My enamel is like crazy paving, and I have lots of fillings, and crowns.. Again, because it's the NHS, my fillings are silver, and my wisdom tooth crown is an ugly silver metal thing..

Oh, if only I could afford veneers - would be about

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