I might be needing braces , do they hurt and how do they put it on?!

Question: I might be needing braces , do they hurt and how do they put it on.?
Im getting braces sometime on and i wanted to know do they hurt and how do they put it on.?.?.?!!!Health Question & Answer

Well, I've got braces rite now, so I'll tell u bout em!
well, 1st thing u will go 2 the orthodontist and he'll look at ur teeth and make a mold (which if you have bad gag reflects, is NOT fun!) then thats pretty much it..
you come back maybe the next week and he'll tell u & ur parent about ur braces and how long ur gonna need em and stuff......and u get spacers, which rly dont hurt cept 4 a little when he puts em on! but you cant chew gum with them or else theyll come off!
If ur top teeth are crowded (i think thats y u get this) or i think if u have a crossbite, you may have to get an rpe b4 braces......and i would say oh dont worry youll be fine......but that crap is torture honey.. getting it on hurts, turning the key hurts (it spreads apart the roof of ur mouth!), and it makes eating hard.. BUT, after a few weeks u get used to it and u dont have to turn the key anymore, and u can figure out how to eat, and u dont have to wear it 4 very long.. but i makes u talk funny! but the pain will go away and MOST kids dont have to have em!
after you have that (if u do which i doubt), you will get braces.. I got my top and bottom ones at seperate times since i had that darn RPE, but he will put this thing in ur mouth that like stretches it out, it dont hurt, and he puts glue on ur teeth and lets u sit 4 awhile......i'd bring sumthin small to do like ur cell to text while u wait....thats what i did! then i think he puts the brackets and wires on, which kinda hurts, and yeah, ur teeth will hurt 4 maybe a week but after that u cant even tell theyre there! and dont worry bout food rules, i chew gum all the time and ive never broken a bracket!!! and u go back once a month to get the colors changed, which dont hurt unless u get a new wire or the worst........power chains......ugh! the pain is like new braces all over again......but you only get them like once!
and sumtimes u mite have to wear rubber bands, ive had em 4 7 months cuz i havent been wearin em!! lolz!

But dont worry or stress out, cuz braces arent as scary as they may seem! you can eat normal, talk normal, and you wont be a nerd! plus, you can really see results in ur teeth after like the first month!!! i did!!!

so good luck to you and ur braces!!!!Health Question & Answer

The thing that hurts the most are the spacers, which are these elastics they but in your mouth before you get the actually braces braces on.. When you first get the braces on it hurts, but not that bad if you just eat soft foods for the first few days.. Then after the first couple of days you have braces they don't hurt at all, until you get them tightened which honestly doesn't hurt that bad at all..Health Question & Answer

Its not that they hurt but at first it is more of an ache but it is not that bad.. I had braces for almost five years and that was back in the day.. They glue the brace on and then put the wires through.. The procedure does not hurt at all.. Honestly I fell asleep during the procedure.. It is not as bad as some people seem to think.. I do not regret getting them.. I loved the result and the self confidence boost it gave me..Health Question & Answer

If you can, get the clear retainer kind.. I had the metal kind that they glue on and when they came off it stripped the enamel off my teeth and I got 3 cavities (no cavities before braces) When your teeth are moving, it hurts but that's usually just the first few days after you get your wire changed or a new retainer..Health Question & Answer

They hurt when you first get them on because it's so tight.. You won't be able to chew anything without it hurting.. I hated braces so much when I had them but it's well worth it.. One of the first things I remember is them putting spacers in between my teeth.. They hurt like hell....but before that, they molded my teeth.. Later, They put the brackets on each of your teeth, make sure its on there good......then put the wire on and tighten it.. THe pain should go away within like 2-3 days........they will tighten it each month..Health Question & Answer

your teeth will probably be EXTREMELY sore for the first few days and chewing may be kind of painful.. However, it WILL get better.. When they put them on, them put some type of glue on your teeth and put the little squares on.. Then they put the wires through the middle and put a really small rubber band over the top to keep the wire in place.. I wish you the best..Health Question & Answer

they really don't hurt, u just feel a lot of pressure for about 2 or 3 days.. the just glue the brackets on and put wires through them.. i have em 2, the only crappy thing is that u can only chew sugar free gum, no caramel, no popcorn, and brushing your teeth takes longer >..> <..< but after about a week, u dont even realize you have them..Health Question & Answer

Yes they make you teeth sore for like a week when you first get them on..

You have to sit in a chair from anywhere between 1-3 hours (it only took me 1 hr).. They put metal rings on your molars which pretty uncomfortable for me, but for your front teeth they just cement the hooks on..Health Question & Answer

they dont really hurt.. you hardly notice them after a while.. there a faff but they won't hurt..
they glue them on your teeth and shine a blue light on your teeth to set the glue.. then they thread a wire through.. well thats what they did for one of mine..Health Question & Answer

they do hurt for a couple of day so try not to eat hard or chewy food try some soup

the way they put it on is that they usse cement then they use some device with a blue light light to harden the cement but it does not hurt when they put on it will start like 10-20 minutes laterHealth Question & Answer

my sis using braces for 6 years now....i knew they dont hurt cos she can eat, talk and laugh easily....maybe it will hurt only at the beginning.. then u will get use to it..

the process of putting it will take about 1 hour.. the orthodontist will put brackets on your teeth and put wires into the brackets..Health Question & Answer

i had braces for 4 years..
they only hurt when they tighten them, but its hardly anything.. you'll get used to it..
they use cement and glue it on professionally..
dont worry! you'll be fine..Health Question & Answer

i had braces for years.. i would do it again it wasn't bad.. you just feel pressure on your teeth.. it's nothing, think of all the people that have them..Health Question & Answer

well, they dry your teeth off whith sand.. then they glue the brackets on.. it takes about 45 minutes.. they are super soar the next day, but you get use to it..Health Question & Answer

it'll hurt the first night & any time they tighten them.. Take some light pain killer & you'll be fine.. They glue little brackets to your teeth & thread a wire through them.. It doesn't take long & it won't hurt to put them on..Health Question & Answer

Don't worry they're uncomfortable but they just glue them on and stick a wire through the slots, it sounds scarier than it is.. Take some pain reliever that morning and it will be fineHealth Question & Answer

They do hurt when you first get them on.. They glue the brackets to your teeth and then attach the wire to the brackets..Health Question & Answer

they dont hurt at first but then they hurt like crazy and then you get use to then like a couple days later.. they pain starts to die down slowlyHealth Question & Answer

they only hurt a LittleHealth Question & Answer

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