If you need your teeth pulled how do they numb it?!

Question: If you need your teeth pulled how do they numb it.?
i need to get 4 teeth pulled out they told me that they would numb it so do they give you a shot or what.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? please help me!!!!!Health Question & Answer

They will rub some ointment on the gum first.. Then they will give you a shot in the gum to deaden the area where they are going to pull the teeth..
With the ointment they used to deaden the area, you will feel a tiny pin like prick.. The medicine itself will sting for a few seconds and then you wont feel anything else..Health Question & Answer

Relax.. You have nothing to worry about.. They will put some gel on your gum and then they will give you an injection around the tooth that needs to be pulled.. The injection is just a scratch and that's the worst.. You won't feel a thing when they pull out your teeth, but it might taste disgusting if it bleeds a lot (depends on how loose the tooth is.. The looser it is, the less blood there will be).. You could still be numb for hours after, and you might have to bite on gauze to stop the bleeding, but its really not that bad.. You are in no pain whatsoever and you have nothing to worry about.. Hope I helped :)Health Question & Answer

You get a shot of novocaine.. They put the syringe needle into your gums, near the place where they're going to pull the teeth out.. Not to scare you, but the more areas you need teeth pulled from, the more shots you get.. It's not as bad as it sounds, really.. Just close your eyes.. It feels like a pin prick.. In a matter of moments, you'll feel numb..Health Question & Answer

My dentist now has this thing that he just rubs over the gums for a few minutes and soon you are as numb as can be.. No needle.. I recently had a root canal.. It stayed numb the entire
time just as it did when he used the needle.. There is no pain at all.. He called this thing a probe.. It is about the size of a marker.. It is something recent, so you would need to ask if
your dentist has this.. It sure is a most welcome thing to me..Health Question & Answer

Yes they will numb the are by injecting anesthetic in your gums, but it does not hurt as bad at it sounds, some doc will put some kind of cream before injecting it, don't be scared it will hurt a lot more if you don't pull those theets out on time, later on they will give you a hard time..Health Question & Answer

they put a local anesthetic that is like a gel on the top of the gum and then they give you a shot but you can't really feel it because of the gel.. it only feels like a pinch.. i promise it soesn't hurt that bad because i am terrified of shots and it was fineHealth Question & Answer

yea they will give you a shot or two in your gums to numb it!!! its a really long needle but it doesnt really hurt...... it feels like a little pinch to most ppl but didnt hurt at all to me......Health Question & Answer

Most likely,Novocaine! Some doctors use low dose laughing gas! Discuss with your doctor/dentist before the pulling!Health Question & Answer

4 teeth they usually would put you under sedation twilight sleep that's how my dentist did mine No pain at all ! ask him or herHealth Question & Answer

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