I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled out at 15!?!

Question: I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled out at 15!.?
I went to my dentist and they told me that I need my wisdom teeth removed so I could prevent cavities and other problems, etc..

My dad said that he and most of his friends got theirs removed in college, but I'm only a sophmore in high school!

Is this normal.?

When they knock you out before surgery, how does the stuff work.? What's in it that makes me sleep through the whole surgery after only breathing it a few times.?Health Question & Answer

Chillax! You're fine.. I'm about the same age as you, and I had them removed two weeks ago..

Believe it or not, it's actually so much better to get them pulled out at a younger age so as to prevent any problems later on in life.. For example, a relative of mine had his removed in his mid twenties, and he experienced severe pain for weeks afterward due to the maturity of the roots.. So, I bet your dad's friends were in a whole lot of discomfort for probably a month afterward -- lucky us, we only have to deal with it for a few days! Because, in our teens, the root hasn't fully formed and therefore is much easier to extract, thus leaving much less pain in the process of recovery..

I'm assuming they'll sedate you by IV, since that's what they did to me.. The medicine they inject into your arm merely puts you into a deep fog or sleep, so you have no awareness or feeling of what's happening.. It's actually very peaceful and relaxing; when you wake up, the first thing you think is, "When are they going to start.?", when, in fact, it's already over! Just be prepared to be pretty groggy -- I had to be escorted out of the office in a wheel chair!

Now, the aftermath can be very annoying, since you can't talk until the gauze is removed the first hours after the procedure.. Plus, you can't chew solid foods and cannot rinse or drink through a straw for a few days.. But, it's also nice -- because for a week, you can just sit back, watch movies or television, read a good book, and chow down on some tasty soft foods.. Personally, I loved strawberry yogurt, soup (after letting it cool for a good few minutes), mac and cheese, and ice cream.. And once the stitches heal, you can begin to reacquaint yourself with harder foods..

also, I highly recommend icing your cheeks -- twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off.. It can be a life saver when that dull pain starts to kick in, and bring down the swelling quite a bit..

Be sure to follow your dentist/oral surgeon's instructions very carefully so as to avoid complications like a dry socket.. These are pretty rare but can be exceedingly painful.. The symptoms are listed here:

.mayoclinic..com/health/dry-soc......" rel="nofollow">http://www..mayoclinic..com/health/dry-soc......

I wish you the best of luck for a speedy recovery, and hope I helped!Health Question & Answer

Yes it is normal.. I got braces and my orthodontist recommended me to get them remove while the roots aren't out yet.. I'm 15 too and I got mine removed in May.. You do NOT feel a thing when they are removing it.. They give you this shot in your arm and you don't even know when you fall asleep.. You don't feel anything during the procedure.. Its like a deep sleep that you go into.. Then when they're done they wake you up.. It only feels like you've been asleep for 20 minutes but its been like 2 hours already.. After that you have this ice pack thing around your jaws to keep the swelling down.. They'll give you instructions and pain prescriptions.. If you're lucky enough like me it won't hurt any after the procedure.. It only swelled for like a week.. =]Health Question & Answer

this is totalllly normal hun!it's really okay,no need to be scared or worried.. everyones teeth grow at different paces,so dont compare yourself to even your parents with this topic..

the stuff they use is called laughing gas..it really only makes you feel "floaty" in a way and i suppose just light and totally out of it..i've had teeth removed and it's no biggie whatsoever..it has certain carbon composites in the gas that you breathe in to make you feel this way and causes you to fall asleep and feel zero pain :) good luck,promise you it'll be a-okay..
<3Health Question & Answer

its nitrous oxide that they use aka laughing gas =] it puts you in a deep sleep because it makes your brain lose all resistance and makes you feel totally calm and drowsy so you fall asleep basically.. It lasts until it is out of your system.. They revive you by giving you just oxygen which wakes you up.. see my sourceHealth Question & Answer

You will not be asleep.. You will be awake but unaware of time or what's really going on.. When the surgery is over you will be groggy and unable to walk straight.. People get wisdom teeth at different times.. I got mine taken out in 9th grade.. It will be fine..Health Question & Answer

Yup, it's totally normal.. I got mine out last summer, and i was 16.. I had all 4 of mine taken out at once, and they were all impacted.. It's really not all that bad.. I was expecting a lot worse..

I'm not sure exactly how they are putting you out, but i actually got IV sedation.. When you go into the hospital (or doctor's office--i had mine done right in the office) they will put the mask thing on.. The gas you are breathing through it is a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen, and you will be asleep in a matter of seconds.. It's nice actually, because you don't have to be awake during the procedure..

Afterwards, you will feel really groggy and sleepy at first.. I needed someone to walk me out to the car because i couldnt even walk straight! lol.. But you should expect to take it easy for about a week.. Rent some movies, watch tv, read...... just relax! And be sure to stock up on plenty of soft foods.. My favorites were ice cream (YUM!), applesauce, cream of wheat or oatmeal, milkshakes with a spoon, hummus, and pudding.. You can gradually start to re-introduce more solid foods once the stitches heal up enough and you feel comfortable.. And don't forget to use ice packs for the swelling.. Your doc will tell you all this, and probably prescribe you medication to help ease the pain.. But the good news is, you will have a quick recovery since you are so young.. The older you are when you get the procedure done, the more complications there are.. I am sure you will be fine! The most important thing is to relax!

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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