Why do I keep getting Chancre sores in my mouth?!

Question: Why do I keep getting Chancre sores in my mouth.?
I get several at one time and I get them every 6 months or so.. They are very painful, please help!Health Question & Answer

Canker sores can run in families.. They may also be linked to problems with the body's immune (defense) system.. The sores may occur after a mouth injury due to dental work, aggressive tooth cleaning, or biting the tongue or cheek..

Canker sores can be triggered by emotional stress, dietary deficiencies (especially iron, folic acid, or Vitamin B-12), menstrual periods, hormonal changes, food allergies, and similar situations.. They occur most commonly with viral infections.. In some cases, the cause can not be identified

Treatment is usually not necessary.. In most cases, the canker sores go away by themselves..

Severe mouth ulcers (larger than 1 cm or lasting longer than 2 weeks) may need to be treated with an antibiotic called tetracycline.. (Tetracycline is usually not given to children until after all the permanent teeth have fully developed, because it can discolor still-forming teeth..)

Multiple, painful mouth ulcers may treated with an anti-viral medicine such as acyclovir..

Powerful anti-inflammatory medicines called corticosteroids are used in rare cases..

If you have a canker sore, you should not eat hot or spicy foods, which can cause pain.. Mild, over-the-counter mouth washes or salt water may help.. There are over-the-counter medicines that soothe the painful area.. These medicines are applied directly to the sore area of the mouth..

To prevent bacterial infection, brush and floss your teeth regularly and visit the dentist for routine care..

To speed up healing, try mixing 1 part hydrogen peroxide and one part water and apply it to the canker sore with a cotton swab.. Then dab a small amount of milk of magnesia on the canker 3 - 4 times a day.. This also helps relieve discomfort..

Health Question & Answer

You might be eating something that your mouth is sensitive too.. When you get them next time, make sure you write down what you had before / after.. What might have irritated it, or what might continue to irritate it could be your answer! Either than, maybe you can ask your general dentist or your primary care.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

They are called herpes.. Go to your doctor, he can give you something to make them go away.. Try putting salt on it or gargling with salt water.. It will burn like fire, but will disinfect them and help them heal..Health Question & Answer

It could be from your toothpaste, so dont go for those toothpaste with baking soda in them.. Health Question & Answer

i get them from eating too much sugarHealth Question & Answer

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