Im getting braces tomorrow!! info please?!

Question: Im getting braces tomorrow!! info please.?
im getting braces tomorrow! any tips.? some people say that they are horrible, but some people told me they dont even notice they have them! so, how do you feel about braces.?

ps what colors should i get.?.? no yellow please,but any other combo of 2 colors!! thanks!!Health Question & Answer

braces at first are horrible, well at least for me they were my mouth hurt so bad I couldn't eat for 2 weeks! the one thing that helped me out was taking aleve or tylenol the day before and after my appointments, but after a while u dont realize u have them, as for colors my favorites were baby blue and dark blue, good luck, all the pain is worth it in the end!Health Question & Answer

The one thing I would do is eat a nice meal beforehand.. I had this huge contraption put in my mouth along with the braces.. It ripped my cheeks and made them bleed.. also, the braces made my teeth and my lips sore (because they kept rubbing on them).. So I found it really hard to eat.. So thats my first bit of advice to you.. Even though they hurt and really suck in the beginning, after a while i completely forget that you even have them and you go back to normal.. You can get used to them really easily.. Except, of course, everytime you go for a checkup and the dentist tightens them.. Then it starts to feel sore again.. So maybe eat nice meals before every appointment.. For the colors, it your choice.. I aways got grey because then the braces weren't so out there and prominent.. But you could do whatever you want.. One of my friends got red and green for christmas and then orange and black for halloween..

So, yah, good luck with your braces!

whew! lot of typing for 2 points lolHealth Question & Answer

im getting braces next week, and spacers 2moro.. my friend and i have the same orthodontist.. he doesnt use colors, so the braces arent noticeable.. she said that your mouth feels a little heavy afterwards, but you get used to it quickly.. most people dont notice, and they really dont look bad.. i just hate them cuz i already have glasses.. :/

i wouldnt get colors.. they fade quickly, and look disgusting.. the rubberbands they use for colors get a lot of food and junk caught in them, and you have to brush your teeth harder just for that.. i would get blue and green though, if your mind is set on it..Health Question & Answer

make sure that before your appointment you take some advil or tyleonol so it kicks in when you get there.. the first several times your teeth will be moving a lot so it will hurt a little, but once they are basicall straight they wont hurt as much when you get the rubber bands changed........

i always liked dark blue......sometimes green, or a sparkly one

stay away from light colors though because they get faded and discolored easilyHealth Question & Answer

Braces, don't hurt and they are just a little weird to get used to.. They only times that you might feel any pain is the first couple of days after you get them on and every time you go to get them adjusted/tightened.. (Which is usually once a month..) 95% of the time they feel like they're not even not, because you're so used to them.. Don't worry!Health Question & Answer

the first week sucks.. advil is going to be your best friend lol.. it's not too bad ...... whenever you go to get them tightened, take like 3 advil before hand.. At first you can't stop putting your tongue on them, and eating gum and candy isnt a good idea, but all in all it's not too bad.. as far as colors go, dont get white because it gets discolored especially if you eat // drink coffee, tea, etc.. they sell little brushes [ they kinda look like mini pipe cleaners] that you can put in your pocket/ purse whatever and you can clean out in between your braces.. and always floss, that's really important..

good luck :)Health Question & Answer

they hurt some.. when you get them tightened it hurts.... spacers hurt alot more though.. umm idk if they still do the braceswith colors anymore cuz when i got them on they were new and didnt need the bands around them.. have fun...... i jus got mine off teheheh best day of my life..Health Question & Answer

The day after you get them is the worst.. Personally, the level of pain wasn't that bad.. It also gave me an excuse to eat ice cream! However, the amount of pain is different for everyone..

I suggest green and blue...... I like those colors..Health Question & Answer

I don't know what colors you should get but as for the braces......I have them right now!! At first theyhurt REALLY bad!! DO NOT EAT WHEN U FIRST GET THEM I TRIED AND IT SUCKS YOU CAN NOT EAT RIGHT AWAY!! But after about a week you can't even tell that they are there..Health Question & Answer

They are a pain for a start, but you get used to them..
The worst part is eating..
I'd got blue and purple.. It looks pretty good..
Hope I helpedHealth Question & Answer

look dont listen to all these ppl it depends on yourself and ur body like i didnt get pain al all when i got em and my sister had a whole bunch of pai my pain started the secong day i think it was beacuse i started eatingHealth Question & Answer

don't eat right away because it takes a while to get used to them.. .. ..after you get them on take some motrin or advil to help some pain u may feelHealth Question & Answer

i got mine tightened today and it hurts!!!Health Question & Answer

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